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    Oooh! I encounter those whenever a new CRT arrives.


      Speaking of orgasms, I was watching a stand-up on Saturday and he said women can fake orgasms but men can fake love. That made me chuckle.

      @speedy: I don't understand the reasoning behind multiple phones, but it's probably because most of the people I know who have them(not counting people who have work phones) are wannabe playas with one phone for bitches and one for everyone else.


        gotta love it!


          whoa! I did buy 8!! I might as well play with one for a week or two! My Galaxy S3 is also with me here! So.. the story is:

          I'm trying to loose weight, so I go to the gym 6 times a week with 3 Personal Trainer sessions!! He recommended the Nike+ Fuelband (Which is an awesome device btw!) but it doesn't sync to Android... So I cracked one open...

          its annoying to keep tabs with emails and multitasking is a pain in the arse, that said I must admit I forgot how good Apps are on iOS..

          So mixed feelings, but on the plus side I have lost 16kg's and hopefully this way I can get rid of the last 10kg (which of course is still a lot of weight!)


            Just grow a couple of feet short arse


              Mine still hasn't even got a date for shipping from Apple and you've got 8....

              those bastards


                Is the fuelband actually helpful? I been thinking of getting a pair of Nike+ compatible trainers along with the device... but I've not really heard much on the fuelband...


                  Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
                  Just grow a couple of feet short arse
                  He'd have to jailbreak first


                    Originally posted by shaffy_oppa View Post
                    Is the fuelband actually helpful? I been thinking of getting a pair of Nike+ compatible trainers along with the device... but I've not really heard much on the fuelband...
                    yeah man, I'm finding it so! It just helps you keep tabs on your daily target and for me has extremely helped motivation!


                      Originally posted by shaffy_oppa View Post
                      Is the fuelband actually helpful? I been thinking of getting a pair of Nike+ compatible trainers along with the device... but I've not really heard much on the fuelband...
                      The Nike+ footpod can be wildly inaccurate, even with regular calibration. I regularly run indoors and outdoors and when running on a treadmill, the pace Nike+ reports back to me is sometimes up to 2 minutes slower than it should be, hence my distance recorded is also often short.


                        Originally posted by shaffy_oppa View Post
                        Is the fuelband actually helpful? I been thinking of getting a pair of Nike+ compatible trainers along with the device... but I've not really heard much on the fuelband...
                        Just buy map my run + it's like ?2 an will GPS track your run


                          My wife is getting an iPhone soon.

                          What are your top 5 apps?!


                            Gold Finger


                              Got my 64gb yesterday! Woo

                              It's an iPhone, but longer.

                              Also, how come the net loads like 20x faster than my iPhone4? I swear apple sabotage old units with each update.


                                The iPhone 5 will support the updated 3G maybe and your 4 model doesn't ?

