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Be A Zombie

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    Thanks man. You know, a weekend in Brighton... you should consider getting down here! We're dangling a woman off a crane over a cliff [subject to council permit!], how often do you get to see that? Almost never

    Thanks Charles for the Sticky. Hope it helps us grab a few more zombies.


      We're definitely affiliated with the Brighton zombie walk now / Beach Of The Dead - so I reckon we're good for 400 plus, probably more

      Still got things to work out, but we're getting there.


        Met the council, and they're happy for us to apply and don't foresee any problems - even with the crane dangling an actress off the cliff stunt! Got to get insurance of course, and more details such as load on the crane, then meet the Coastal Defense Team and ensure the location we use will hold up with the weight.

        Pretty exciting, we should be able to get all the footage we need.

        Now to start planning the Head-a-pult device....


          Head-a-pult device


            That sounds great, Chain. Man, I wish I could be there to watch you guys put it all together. Sounds really exciting.


              Yeah, it is certainly exciting. A little bit of pressure of course

              Still, it will all be worth it when we get the footage, and hopefully from there we can get the money to complete the film


                Quick update. We've got a crane, sorting the camera equipment, and the permit will hopefully be approved soon.

                So it's all coming together quite nicely. Added a few extra shots into the schedule so it will work (more or less) as a standalone scene now, rather than a sequence of shots.

                Will post when we have a confirmed location and start time


                  Cast the 2 actresses for the shoot

                  Still got a million and 1 things to sort out....


                    Any word on silver contact lenses yet? I'd need them to be prescription ones (monthlies if possible!)


                      Damn Chain, looks like you gots some honeys up in this!


                        Originally posted by Square View Post
                        Any word on silver contact lenses yet? I'd need them to be prescription ones (monthlies if possible!)
                        Silvers were too expensive. I've decided on some from Wild Cats, I'll post a link later. They're not prescription though. End of the day, don't worry too much about it, we'll get you in the film regardless

                        Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                        Damn Chain, looks like you gots some honeys up in this!
                        Yes, and great actresses as well My award winning charisma hard at work


                          These are the lenses:

                          That's £12 for one, so people would either need a pair, or an eye patch / dangling eyeball / broken sunglasses / something else

                          I'm working on a clothing and colour advice chart. It's all optional of course, mainly for those who want a closeup in the film


                            So this has came around pretty quickly

                            Farm Yard, Brighton, next to Churchill Square

                            If you're one of our zombies, we're looking to get people turning up around 8am, to start shooting at 9am.

                            If you're there just for the walk, you'll be walking by us once you reach Churchill Square, so please walk under the crane for the zombie Horde shot! You see what we mean on the day....

                            Shooting will take place throughout the day until 3:15pm, at which point we will await the arrival of the zombie walk - they come right by us! We need the crowd for the big crame shot. Once they've moved on, we'll tidy up with any more shots needed and be finished around 4pm.

                            There's a little (ahem) fake blood spraying around. don't wear any clothes, or bring any items with you, don't mind gettuing ruined.

                            Speaking of clothese, remember the film is based in 1980, so late 1970's clothing is perfect. What colour? Well look at this colour chart, all carefully selected. Blue it by far the best costume colour, but any of these are workable. If you've already the costume, then no worries, carry on regardless. Just please, no Red at all. These colours are ideal (a little art direction!):

                            To clarify, there is a bit of squirting blood on the day, so there is a good chance your clothes will end up with food colouring on them. It should wash out, but assume the worse - in other words, don't wear anything you don't want ruined! Bring along baby wipes and spare clothes, especially if you're driving home afterwards. If you don't want to get any flying blood on you, let the crew know when you turn up and we'll do our best to position you accordingly.

                            We're asking people to appear in make-up, which can be tough. We have a small production line of make-up artists, and can do some people on the day for a few pounds in their kitty [to cover their costs of makeup].

                            If you want to really go for it, check out these lenses which can be bought locally:

                            Contact Lenses

                            We can't supply food and drink on the day, but we're right next to the main shopping center in Brighton, so they'll be plenty of options to grab a bite during the day.

                            Parking at Churchill Square, the main mall in Brighton. We're literally a few paces outside the front of that.

                            Hope to see some of you there


                              Not any time to update with Kid No 2 arriving tomorrow, so here's a little shot of the crane stunt. Got some issues with exposure that are being looking into.


                                Awesome. Wish I could have been there.

                                She looks terrified. Did you just ignore safety ropes and stuff?

