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Archbishop slams online friendships

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    Archbishop slams online friendships

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    There's so much wrongness in this I don't know where to begin.

    Presumably in the case he cites of a girl killing herself because of bullying she actually knew them in real life? Why would anyone give a **** if someone they didn't really know bullied them online? EDIT: Indeed so, "Having problems at school":, although the bullying took place on line instead of the schoolyard it was still her real live schoolmates who did it:
    Last edited by NW2013; 02-08-2009, 12:15.

    It always makes me laugh on facebook when someone has 1000+ friends. Piss off, you hardly know some of them! Vague, head-nodding acquaintances at best. Some people on facebook seem obsessed with having as many friends as possible. It's all rather sad really.


      Did the Archbishop post this on his Twitter?


        Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
        It always makes me laugh on facebook when someone has 1000+ friends. Piss off, you hardly know some of them!
        Indeed. Same goes for myspace and just about every site of that kind


          Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
          It always makes me laugh on facebook when someone has 1000+ friends. Piss off, you hardly know some of them! Vague, head-nodding acquaintances at best. Some people on facebook seem obsessed with having as many friends as possible. It's all rather sad really.
          I try keeping my friends list to a minimum. Just a couple of months back I gave it a good clearing out of the dross, then updated my status telling the survivors they were lucky to be my friend. It's a good way of keeping in touch with previous forumites I've met a few times in person (if anyone wants to add me I'm the dude sniffing a Mojito, if I don't recognise you you'll be declined).

          There should be a twats list as well imo.


            Work-a-day bog standard Bishop challenges the Archbishops statement here!

            Good for him, although the line that states:

            ...I have counselled those heartbroken that a member of their family had been snatched from them into a closed order of Nuns, others sucked into the loneliness of the celibate priesthood...
            is a little suspect!


              Virtual friends are bad, especially the ones you never meet, like Jesus and God. Sucker.


                Virtual friends are bad mmmkay

