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Speeding Ticket

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    Speeding Ticket

    Was coming home from work tonight and got pulled over by a cop with hand held speed-gun. I attempted to bargain with the guy but that epicly failed and I started to get a bit annoyed so i just chilled out before I said anything daft and regrettable.

    After getting home I looked at the ticket. It has a section for R/L plates and the cop has filled in the NO box when in fact I do have R plates. By filling it wrong does that mean it becomes invalid or anything? Mate also claims cause it's a handheld gun it doesn't hold up in court. Is that true? Has this happened to anyone else? Any chance of winning if I fight this?

    I don't think filling one box incorrectly would invalidate it. I think if you took it to court you could ask them to prove whether they had calibrated the gun correctly.


      Not trying to troll here mate, but you got caught speeding. Just pay the fine. You know you shouldn't have been doing it, you know there's no excuse. Why put yourself through more hassle?

      Also, think about it logically, if it being a handheld gun means it "doesn't hold up in court" then why would they still use them?

      You've been done, put your hands up, move on with your life.


        Unless the wrong information influences the punishment, don't bother. You probably signed something accepting the ticket anyway.

        Handheld guns hold up in court but they (and your speedometer) have a margin of error which the police are supposed to allow for. It's only something like 3mph though.


          If you were powersliding a Ferrari around a sun-drenched coastal route like your avatar depicts, then a fine is a lucky get-off.

          Or maybe that's just a pic from Out Run...


            Off to for you!


              Originally posted by jamesy View Post
              I attempted to bargain with the guy but that epicly failed
              I dread to think what that involved


                Bear in mind, if you try a 'sneaky' tactic to get out of a ticket and it backfires, the judge will probably come down very hard on you.

                Also, don't try to bargain with a cop. They get people trying it on all the time. You get a far far better result looking incredibly guilty and looking like you know you did wrong and are regretting it.

                Women may have crocodile tears as a defence but men can still have the 'god he looks pathetic' tactic.
                Last edited by abigsmurf; 03-08-2009, 12:02.


                  I guess there's not much I can do really. I'll talk to a solicitor and see what advice they can give me. Probably end up having to pay it but it's pretty unlucky . 11mph over the limit is hardly being ridiculous, suppose cause R driver speed is restricted to 45 and i was doin 51 they didn't give me any second chances.

                  Insurance prices could be devastating now though with 3points on my licence. If only they let me away with a fine or something.

                  I wish I was doing something like in my avatar then i'd be willing to accept the ticket much more gracefully.


                    You were going over the speed limits AND had a R plate. Seriously, you're willing to waste money on a solicitor?

                    You were caught, put your hands up to it.


                      What's an R Plate?


                        What's a Nubian?!


                          Whats a car?

                          Agree with others, I have been caught speeding three times in my nine years of driving and in my eyes, thats fine with me as I have speeding more times that that and I am sure you have too! So really, I have got off very lightly.

                          Just take it as a lesson and to hopefully bring your speed down, as much as we hate being caught , fined and told what to do, the speed limits are there for a reason and are always well posted etc

                          Just unlucky for you, you got caught


                            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                            You were going over the speed limits AND had a R plate. Seriously, you're willing to waste money on a solicitor?

                            You were caught, put your hands up to it.
                            +1 for this. Jeez. I can't believe you'd go to the trouble of wasting everyone's time with a solicitor?

                            I'll give you advice, for free (a solicitor will charge you btw), slow down so you don't kill anyone. Take your medicine.


                              From Wiki

                              In Northern Ireland for one year after the passing of a driving test, the driver is defined as a "restricted driver" who must not exceed 45 mph and must display an "R-plate" consisting of an amber sans-serif R on a white background. L-plates in Northern Ireland commonly have an R-plate as a reverse side. "R-plate" drivers are often viewed as a nuisance on motorways, due to their limited speed, resulting in many restricted drivers not displaying their "R-plates" or not keeping to the restricted speed limit. [2] [3]

                              That rule is stupid and dangerous on a carriageway. I have narrowly avoided an accident because of some idiot doing 30 on a moped and causing people to break hard (in the rain).

                              Did you know you weren't allowed above 45 at all?

