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Idiot joggers

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    Idiot joggers

    What is it with these idiots? There's a perfectly good pavement, but no, they either have to jog down the road next to it, or even jog down the road on the wrong side, i.e. down the left hand side so they can't see the car that's about to hit them. eeeejits.

    I notice he leapt on to the pavement pretty quickly as I came grinding to a halt in front of him because I couldn't go around him due to the tractor coming the other way. Why the hell weren't you on it in the first place?

    I see these idiots all the time - jogging along like it's euthenasia day or something. Not just on small country lanes but on main roads too. wtf.

    Anyway, glad to get that off my chest.

    I do a fair bit of running and I literally have NO IDEA why they are doing it. It doesn't make sense on any level.

    It's the joggers nipple - the pain sends them a bit bonkers.


      There's one group near me. Jog down the middle of the road. I kid you not, right down the middle.


        We've got quite a lot near me but they seem to stick to the pavement. Good job too, as the roads are bad enough thanks to the scourge of man... cyclists. If you haven't passed a test you shouldn't be on the road regardless of whether you're using an engine. To me the rules we should be using are obvious:

        1-Joggers and Cyclists go on the pavement. Them hitting a pedestrian isn't as deadly as them causing an incident with a car.

        2-If your run down on the road and your not on a motorbike or using a crossing then its not a manslaughter charge... its natural selection.


          My old roommate used to do it. I got the impression it was because the roads are, in most instances, a smoother surface that cause less damage to the legs from impact.

          Still a bit of a bellendy thing to do, though. Especially because runners always have iPods in and are pretty much oblivious to the rest of the universe.


            So many idiots jog on the wrong side of the road. You jog FACING oncoming traffic, you need to be able to see what's coming.

            And yeah, there are plenty of morons who jog down roads dual carriage ways and whatnot. If a car even clips you at 60+ you're ****ed.


              Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
              1-Joggers and Cyclists go on the pavement. Them hitting a pedestrian isn't as deadly as them causing an incident with a car.
              The Highway Code actually states it's illegal to cycle on a pavement in the UK btw. Notwithstanding that countless people do it regardless though.
              Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                If I was in charge I would execute all joggers and cyclists.


                  Originally posted by Mayhem View Post
                  The Highway Code actually states it's illegal to cycle on a pavement in the UK btw. Notwithstanding that countless people do it regardless though.
                  I know, just seems stupid. The only thing it seems to reduce is the risk of cyclists hitting kids or the elderly. Of course, a cyclist causing a car to slam on or veer could kill far more. UK law, there to protect.... mp's jobs


                    What is worse is people who think it is safer to walk down the road when it has been snowing, just because the road is a bit easier going to walk on.

                    What the ****!

                    Yes I know prams are difficult to push in the snow, but is pushing them down a slippery road really the right thing to do!


                      where i live i am against joggers/cyclists/tractors/slow drivers

                      cos there are loads of blind corners and s Bends and its just really dangerous went around a series of s Bends at only about 50kmh but around the second blind corner bam there was a cyclist almost hit him to


                        You missed out on 50 points then !

