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Porno sweets- sick filth!!!

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    Porno sweets- sick filth!!!

    A father-of-two has spoken of his disgust after spotting fruity cartoon characters appearing to have sex with each other on sweet wrappers.

    Surely some kind of wind up by the 'outraged' man.

    Some of the comments are quality too, but again surely fake?

    "This is simply outrageous. What is Great Britain coming to when such depraved images appear on CHILDRENS sweet wrappers? We never had anything remotely resembling this filth in my day.

    I note that the images originated in Germany. This is exactly the sort of thing that comes of us being in the European Union - we're forced to accept smut directed at children. Disgusting. The continentals have no shame, though I am a bit surprised this came from Germany. I would have expected it of the French. The sooner we get out of Europe and regain our independence the better"

    So us being in the EU is bad because everyone else in Europe is an uncontrollable pervert who wants to corrupt children? Er, yeah.

    This has all got to be some sort of joke though hasn't it?

    Ban this sickly filth.


      "Debauched: The lime enjoys a similarly smutty experience with a willing pair of cherries"

      I've gotta admit that the Daily Mail, if good for nothing else, is a comedy gold mine.


        Hahahahahaha. I remember this from years back. I'm surprised it's still considered news.


          I noticed these sweet wrappers years ago and thought they were funny, but not as funny as that article!

          With porno sweets are you meant to swallow them, or do you spit?


            Typical Daily Mail


              Mock the Mail at your peril. As much as many people do think their comments are a wind up, the sad fact is, a lot of people who read the Mail, believe it.


                As usual with The Daily Mail:

                It's clearly unintentional and if your child does see something pervy when they see those wrappers then they already have a dirty mind. Maoam's been available in the UK for how long now?


                  They've somehow given the lime my "sex face". How did they know?


                    Your face goes bright green when you have sex?


                      You knows it!


                        Ive noticed these sweets and the pictures for a while now, i just thought they were coincidence.........

                        I CLEARLY have a pervy mind But im ok with it

                        With articles like this in the press - pretty soon a fiendly hug will be classed as sexual abuse



                          These images have been completely misinterpreted - it's not a bloody lime. It's a green man-thing. If it was a lime, it would look like the lemon and wouldn't have arms or legs.


                            I went out with a lemon once. It was okay to start but it quickly turned sour.


                              i went out with a girl with a classic hourglass figure once. sadly after a while it all went pear shaped

