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Matthew Pritchard (Dirty Sanchez) Stabbed in neck

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    Matthew Pritchard (Dirty Sanchez) Stabbed in neck

    Matthew Pritchard was with his girlfriend when he intervened in a row in a shop on Monday.

    "He was having a go at the staff and saying: 'I've been in prison for two years, what are you asking me for ID for?' He was getting really out of hand and by this time I was fuming because there were kids in the shop and it's not right. He was effing and blinding. It was disgusting. I said 'don't you speak to women and children like that' and pushed him out.
    "He saw me coming towards him and I saw him get this knife out and he slashed me down the neck."

    Glad he is ok, and good for him for standing up to the tosser

    From his twitter
    Last edited by dvdmike; 08-09-2009, 20:59.

    oooooooooooooo Glad he's ok. Is the knife wielding lamer in shackles?


      I don't get people nowadays, well some people, they'll try kill someone for next to nothing, is a little argument worth years in prison? ^_^


        Probably just wanted to get back so no ID for fags? Crazy world...


          Blimey! I'm glad he's okay. Get well soon!


            Considering some of the **** that this guy has done to himself I think he's probably laughing this off as weaksauce.


              Originally posted by kernow View Post
              I don't get people nowadays, well some people, they'll try kill someone for next to nothing, is a little argument worth years in prison? ^_^

              Ah that's the problem tho,the pricks don't get time/long enough in the nick....the law say's if you carry a knife, the max sentence is 5 years,they never get that..

              Anyone who carries a knife should get 5 years straight away + extra if it's used to harm someone.Me personally i shoot the feckers....


                I had tickets to see him and Dainton in a few weeks, gald he is ok but gutted cant see the show


                  I cant believe you guys. You could swear he was some big time celeb who'd given his life to his work. Do you actually KNOW Pritchard? I skated with him when I lived in Cardiff, & he was fine for a few weeks. Then I saw the real Pritch rear his ugly head. Same with Pancho. I skated with him a few times up in Newport, Cardiff & Swansea & he used to be a nice guy but turned into a prick not long b4 Sanchez started. Dainton is the only guy who's not changed or been a dick since I skated with him.

                  Pritch is a dick of the biggest sort. He's a vile nasty piece, & I dont believe for a second that he went up to that guy & tried to act like some kind of 1940's gent worried about the kids & ladies present.
                  He went up to him yes, & got mixed up in some bad situation, but theres no way he was thinking "these poor kids & ladies have to see & hear this awful scene. I must save them dewntcha know dewntcha know".

                  Those kids have seen him nail his cock to the table, burn the skin off his arse etc etc so its a bit late for the 'good role model' ffs.

                  And he cut his chin. BIG F**KIN DEAL! He's had worse than that done to him on TV! Has he suddenly become some kind of wuss?
                  Is this Pritch trying to show his vulnerable, nice, gentlemanly side, possibly to get a book published or an attempt to move into a different media career?

                  And he wasnt stabbed in the neck. He was slashed down the side of the neck. I wonder if he asked the ambulance guys "oi hang on a sec. Let me get my funky bandana on 1st before you bandage me up. Got to keep up my cool image at all times u see butt!!"

                  Pfft load of old bollox!!
                  Last edited by EDDIE M0NS00N; 08-09-2009, 21:11.


                    I thought you meant this Dirty Sanchez at first!


                      Originally posted by Tommy Verceti View Post
                      I cant believe you guys. You could swear he was some big time celeb who'd given his life to his work. Do you actually KNOW Pritchard? I skated with him when I lived in Cardiff, & he was fine for a few weeks. Then I saw the real Pritch rear his ugly head. Same with Pancho. I skated with him a few times up in Newport, Cardiff & Swansea & he used to be a nice guy but turned into a prick not long b4 Sanchez started. Dainton is the only guy who's not changed or been a dick since I skated with him.

                      Pritch is a dick of the biggest sort. He's a vile nasty piece, & I dont believe for a second that he went up to that guy & tried to act like some kind of 1940's gent worried about the kids & ladies present.
                      He went up to him yes, & got mixed up in some bad situation, but theres no way he was thinking "these poor kids & ladies have to see & hear this awful scene. I must save them dewntcha know dewntcha know".

                      Those kids have seen him nail his cock to the table, burn the skin off his arse etc etc so its a bit late for the 'good role model' ffs.

                      And he cut his chin. BIG F**KIN DEAL! He's had worse than that done to him on TV! Has he suddenly become some kind of wuss?
                      Is this Pritch trying to show his vulnerable, nice, gentlemanly side, possibly to get a book published or an attempt to move into a different media career?

                      And he wasnt stabbed in the neck. He was slashed down the side of the neck. I wonder if he asked the ambulance guys "oi hang on a sec. Let me get my funky bandana on 1st before you bandage me up. Got to keep up my cool image at all times u see butt!!"

                      Pfft load of old bollox!!

                      Your post is your opinion and we all respect that so can I ask you to not attack any post that does not agree with your personal opinion.

                      Saying that being slashed at all in any way is a serious injury and 99% will leave a nasty scar, even worse if its around the face/ neck.

                      No matter what happened he has come out worse than he went in so I hope all goes well from him.


                        Personnal opinion based on FACT. Well you guys have all been pretty well sucked in by the ****e that these guys produce, hence the reason why u feel so sorry for him.

                        I dont think that being slashed in any way is a good thing. However it states 'stabbed in the neck' rather than the truth which is 'slashed'. He is an idiot FACT & it wouldnt surprise me if this nutter was pushed further by Pritch's 'words' with him. There is no way in hell that he spoke to the guy because "his language was out of order in front of kids & ladies"

                        He hasnt come out any worse than the ****e he subjected himself to on Dirty Sanchez.


                          Originally posted by Tommy Verceti View Post
                          Personnal opinion based on FACT. Well you guys have all been pretty well sucked in by the ****e that these guys produce, hence the reason why u feel so sorry for him.

                          I dont think that being slashed in any way is a good thing. However it states 'stabbed in the neck' rather than the truth which is 'slashed'. He is an idiot FACT & it wouldnt surprise me if this nutter was pushed further by Pritch's 'words' with him. There is no way in hell that he spoke to the guy because "his language was out of order in front of kids & ladies"

                          He hasnt come out any worse than the ****e he subjected himself to on Dirty Sanchez.
                          His statement was bollocks, imagine a scene of intensity and in the middle of it someone says 'don't you speak to women and children like that'. Absolute horse****


                            I have said simillar to people kicking off violently, plus the people in the shop back up what he said 100%


                              Originally posted by fuse View Post
                              I thought you meant this Dirty Sanchez at first!
                              I thought that too

                              No idea who this other chap is then....

