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Going to New York. Advice on buying...

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    Going to New York. Advice on buying...

    Hi Guys...The wife and me are going to New York in December.

    We will be shopping and stuff, and I fully intend to buy a US Wii whilst I'm over there...

    May I ask..Do I need to register stuff I buy before it comes so much %.

    First time in America so don't know what is what with buying and I've read threads here and know people do visit America from this site.

    For anyone who is interested..We are staying in 'Swanky' Soho (or that was how it was described...think it is near China Town.

    Soho's a nice area and could indeed be described as a 'swanky' part of Manhattan. You won't need to register a Wii before bringing it back but I would advise unpacking it from it's box so that if you are stopped you can say it was given to you as a gift and NOT purchased brand new, otherwise you may be required to pay tax on it.

    Oh, and don't forget to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge from east to west (preferably at dusk) to see NY at it's most beautiful.


      Thank you Charlie..they did also say near Manhattan, it was showed to us on a map at the travel agents (when booked in January)

      I'll do that...unpack it and either post the box or just be done with it.

      I don't know what else I will be buying, but I was going to buy a US Wii this year and I may as well get it brand new whilst in America/New York.

      Thank you for the mention of the Bridge...that has now been put from pen to paper and we will do that....


        Just don't declare it on the aeroplane. Me and a friend had about a grands worth of stuff and its all about being honest about what you bought. All you have to do is take the tags off whatever clothes you buy etc so that you don't get caught out should you be searched.


          thinking of going myself. did you get a decent price on the flights and hotel.

          as advised on the wii just send the box home and bring the wii with you.


            Don't register unless you're buying a very large amount. Just make sure you keep your receipts.

            The chances of you getting stopped by customs are incredibly slim and the chances of them handing out a big fine are even more marginal. They're trying to catch business importers and resellers, not people who've splashed out on holiday.


              Ive been stung by customs once. I was on my way back from Hong Kong with my parents, think i was about 9 years old. It was a shock, but my parents 'splashed' out of loads of stuff, so we received a hefty fine............

              I must admit, i do get stopped by customs quite a bit these days, but as i have nothing to hide, its not that big a deal, although it is annoying when you have been on a long haul flight and you need to have some total random block ask you pointless questions and look through your belongings......... I think they are mainly after drugs and stuff, because my suitcase gets swabbed with a white cloth like material, then he disappears behind a glass room and emerges with that look on his face. The type of look that makes you think '****, what now..........'

              Now my probelm with the airport is being comfortable on a flight and making sure my luggage comes in at the right weight.

              Shadowdancer you will have fun when you fill in your green aviation/visa form........ they have some cracker questions on there!



                Shadowdancer there are loads of New York threads in off topic, just do a search. You will find a lot of reccomendations in one i did a while back, which still have relavance. I think one i mentioned was taking the ferry (which is free IIRC) from one island to another, as it gives you great views of Manhatten and the statue of liberty, which will save you some dosh if you don't wanna pay to see the lady her self. Close up shots of liberty are over rated, the best is when you get her with the high rise buildings as a back drop.

                On a seperate note, i brought my US Wii in NY on launch day and shipped it back in my suitcase all boxed up and un opened. It survived and i didnt get stopped for once, phew...... Its a gamble, but by taking it out the box and stuff, its not protected in the suitcase from knocks in transit.

                EDIT: Link below

                Last edited by 112; 23-09-2009, 11:02.


                  Buy a ticket to the zoo and go see the polar bear.


                    I hated central park zoo, the bear looked so bored and warm. The conditions the penguins and other animals were kept in were horrible. Such a small zoo with more animals that they can properly fit.

                    I did loads when I went for 2 weeks, including a jaunt down to Red Bank, New Jersey to go to the Secret Stash and a further bus ride to hang out at the Quick Stop!

                    If you are a geek you also need to find the Ghostbusters building. The fire station's badge has a ghost on it. Good place when emergency services embrace pop culture!


                      Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                      I did loads when I went for 2 weeks, including a jaunt down to Red Bank, New Jersey to go to the Secret Stash and a further bus ride to hang out at the Quick Stop!
                      Out of interest I don't suppose you remember the bus service you used and where from. I took a taxi there and back. Hoping to go again one day when my finances are in better order.


                        Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                        I hated central park zoo, the bear looked so bored and warm..


                          Originally posted by Concrete donkey View Post
                          Out of interest I don't suppose you remember the bus service you used and where from. I took a taxi there and back. Hoping to go again one day when my finances are in better order.

                          Went by train. Didn't cost much. NY Penn Station (I think) to Red Bank.

                          If you go, ask Walt at the Secret Stash how to get to Quick Stop. He has a bus route printed out. We caught a bus from Red Bank to Leonardo and back then had dinner at the Broadway Diner in Red Bank, which is a brilliant 50s diner.

                          We got back to New York and went to see Spamalot. Great day!


                            Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                            Went by train. Didn't cost much. NY Penn Station (I think) to Red Bank.

                            If you go, ask Walt at the Secret Stash how to get to Quick Stop. He has a bus route printed out. We caught a bus from Red Bank to Leonardo and back then had dinner at the Broadway Diner in Red Bank, which is a brilliant 50s diner.

                            We got back to New York and went to see Spamalot. Great day!
                            I went via train to Red Bank (the New Jersey transit site didn't tell me about New York's Pen station being on the route so took a bus from New Jersey to the first NJ train stop. So annoyed when I got there to find I could have used Pen station) I did ask at secret stash how to get to the Quick Stop but the leaflet they gave me said nothing about a bus route so that's where I took the taxi there and back. Thanks for the info. It will come in handy for next time.

