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Interail and Europe

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    Interail and Europe

    Me and my girlfriend want to go traveling next year for a few weeks whilst we are still young and the tickets are still cheap.

    We are thinking of starting off in amsterdam going through gemany,denmark then up through some of scandinavia.

    Has anybody got any tips for travelling via train or cost saving tips for this part of the world?

    I went interrailing for just under a month around Eastern Europe earlier this year. It's good, but I strongly recommend getting a first class pass, or upgrading the longer journeys (normally only about 20 euros each). I don't know what the trains will be like in the countries you're going to, but in places like Serbia, Bulgaria and Slovakia it was not just a question of comfort, but security - taking the economy carriages means you are stuck in a room with just a couple of bench type seats which anyone can come into for up to 15 hours. Nowhere to secure your bags either. First class meant a private room in a carriage secured from the rest of the train, beds, and an employee there all the time if you need anything.


      Check out seat 61 as that is full of info. Sometimes, in some countries and combinations, pass may be more expensive.


        When I was 18, me and a mate interailed for a month. We started at Amsterdam and headed all the way down to Morocco, and then back again (via Belgium, France, Spain). It was great.

        All you need is the ticket and a couple of guide books. The Lonely Planet "Western Europe on a shoe string" was ideal. One big book that covered everywhere.

