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The unfortunately crap weekend thread.

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    The unfortunately crap weekend thread.

    Since i had such a bad weekend this week i thought id start a little thread.

    Friday. Gets all excited like a small school girl as not not only uncharted 2 is out but brutal legend too, both of which ive been looking forward to all year. Gets home to play said fantastic games, and BAM, PS3 yellow lights of death, motherboard is fried .

    Sat. Goes down the factory to sort some bits our for work next week and i pick up a poxy puncher in my car tyre, changes tyre and gets puncture sorted job done.
    Then i get a call from my rep who ive just taken on to improve business "just been in a car accident and im in a&e so wont be working next week as im pretty banged up and the cars a write off" bollocks thats my next month fooked for my work plans.

    sat night. goes out to drown sorrows with my mate, got nice and hammered and spent most the night chatting to a lovely little barmaid who was obviously flirting like a goodun with me too (as well as slipping me tripples ) gets a little too drunk and leaves bar without getting a number (ok so this point is my fault completely, now arguments there.

    today. Wakes up with a really bad headache (which i never get normally get) wonders just how much booze i was being slipped.
    Goes downstairs and i find my pet Budgie has died in the night. Since she was about 15-17 years old i can only put down to old age as she had snuggled herself into the corner of the cage and simply not woken up, sob .

    Time for a bath, fry up, snooze, roast dinner and cake i think.

    So what crappy things have happened to you over the weekend, doesn't just have to be this one can be a past crappy weekend if you want, and what do you do to cheer yourself up, discuss

    On the plus side, that's your quota of bad luck for the week. Next week has to be better!


      I'm trying to save money so I can't even really afford to go out and have a few.. Also my stupid team lost to a beach ball and a date I had lined up cancelled on me.

      TV is awful, work is tomorrow and my net connection behaving silly.

      On weekends like this I actually look forward to going to work..


        Originally posted by Fastware View Post
        On the plus side, that's your quota of bad luck for the week. Next week has to be better!
        Just what I was thinking. The Karma Police will be looking into your case in due course

