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Secret Santa 2009

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    Secret Santa 2009

    OK, I foolishly volunteered to take up the reins for this one this year. Christmas will soon be upon us, and the time has come to shower your forum brethren with gifts of aurum, olibanum and murr.*

    For those that are interested, please post in thread and PM me your name and address before Friday the 27th of November - with the subject:

    your Username - Secret Santa*

    Within a few days of that date I will create random pairs and PM everyone the name and address of their recipient. Once you have the information you need, get yourselves to your nearest wholesaler of precious metals and tree related products and pack it off to the lucky individual as soon as possible so that they may receive it in time for their Yuletide celebrations.

    *As our forum is a multicultural, multi continent spanning community, some people wishing to participate may be lurking in other places in the world. If you don't mind sending something abroad to these members could you just stick a nice little asterisk (*) in the subject.

    Gift price guide is around five to eight pounds - should you wish to spend more, that is up to you.

    Disclaimer: Fulfilment of participants in the Secret Santa transactions is neither legally binding to myself or NTSC-UK, by PMing me your address you agree to this statement.

    Thank you kindly.

    * -

    Other gifts are also acceptable, and yes I realise these aren't all the same language... the wisdom of Wikipedia only stretches so far!

    Last edited by Number45; 13-11-2009, 12:48.

    Hey, I'd like to take part again this year.

    Edit: PM Sent.


      I'm in again.


        Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming...

        (I'm in!)


          I enjoy this every year. Spend way too long trying to find something suitable but the gifts have gone down well so far. I'm in.


            Never done this before but quite fancy giving it a go this year!


              I enjoyed this last year so count me in. PM sent.


                Im in !


                  Please don't forget to include your name/address folks, I'm not sure the Royal Mail is familiar with your forum names.


                    N45, when you say within a few days, so you mean within a few days of Nov 27th? Or a few days from now?

                    Tempted to join in, but as one of the international brigade I would need a little bit earlier notification than the start of december - unless I just went out and bought something random regardless of who my chosen recipient turns out to be...


                      Within a few days of the 27th, yes. I'll make that clear in the first post now...


                        Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                        Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming... Holidays are coming...
                        Always Coca Cola!

                        I'm in this year. PM incoming.


                          I'm in too!


                            Same. Pm Sent!


                              Wooooooo I'll get a prezzie this year that I hadn't had to buy myself this christmas ! oh yeah I'm in ! |

