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Sick at Xmas?

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    Sick at Xmas?

    It seems to happen to me every year for some unknown reason. This time it's just a cold but last year it was a chronic chest infection which meant I could only sleep sitting-up otherwise I couldn't breathe properly. That was fun!

    I always go to my parents in Manchester but decided to stay in London this year just in case that would make a difference. But it didn't.

    I'm sat here now, sweating and coughing and feeling like crap. I'm still playing Games though. Happy Xmas anyway.
    Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.

    Yep me and the missus and son all have pretty nasty colds and coughs now, hoping they pass in the next 24 hours. Slim chance though Get well soon


      Yep, ill here too.

      Started on Monday evening with this sort of weird head cold, sore throat and streaming nose and now it's all gone to my chest. Any second now I'm expecting to cough up a lung.

      I hate being ill at the best of times and it's even worse at this time of year. But you think I'd be used to it by now seeing as it happens every bloody year.

      Still and all that...


        Yeah me too. Since Monday I have a really sore throat, nasty cough and runny nose. Lovely eh?!

        I went to work yesterday cos I thought I felt better but they very politely told me to keep "sick ass" at home today. I didn't argue with that.


          I had a cold at the start of the month (and the girlfriend was pretend diagnosed with Swine Flu) so we got it out of the way before Christmas, I think, lucky though!


            Despite wearing a scarf so big that it looks like a neck brace, I have managed to get a progressively tickly throat / cough. Not the end of the world, but I do sound like Macy Gray this morning.


              Yeah I'm feeling a bit grotty today too, couldn't sleep last night from a runny nose and sinus pain.
              I had flu last year and a horrid cold the year before.
              It's not as bad as the year I fainted from stress and knocked myself unconscious and lost my short term memory, that Christmas really sucked


                My wife has been ill for a week and is currently coughing up green stuff, its her last shift today and then she is on maternity leave. I've got a temperature, sore throat and a headache. I think it was the same last year.


                  I get ill around this time every year too, not too bad this year though.


                    My wife has been ill 2 weeks but coming to an end. I have almost a week, touch wood its not too bad just a little snotty and tickly.
                    Annoying thing is I went to docs last month after having a cold for 2 months! Had both jabs also.


                      A few people at work have the sniffles and keep sneezing. So that being the case, I try to keep my distance. And wash my hands regularly. Paranoia? OCD even? Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps...


                        Not really. Nothing pisses me off more than people who insist on going to work when they're full up of God knows what, just to cough all over the place and then go "oh well, you've got it now, tee-hee-hee!"

                        Oh fup off you dirty fupping mother cuddlers! I wouldn't have it if you weren't so stupid as to come to work and then so disgusting as to spread it everywhere.

                        Really hacks me off (as you can probably tell).


                          Last year I was ****ting blood and going into a state of unconsciousness.
                          Ecstasy and coccaine abuse. Thankfully, that is distant past and I'm not going down that road again.


                            Was going to post "Yep, I'm ill too" but erm...I don't really want to follow ShadowDancer's post. On reflection, I'm not too bad!


                              Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                              It's not as bad as the year I fainted from stress and knocked myself unconscious and lost my short term memory, that Christmas really sucked

                              I woke up with a lump in my throat today, it feels like there is a bone dislodged and I'm having difficulty swallowing. I need to wait until the day after tomorrow now to see a doctor ffs.

                              I hate Sundays and I hate Xmas. It's a time for slackers.

