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Fun things to do in 2010

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    Fun things to do in 2010

    So, one of the new years resolutions is to 'do' more stuff as opposed to drink - get a hang over - go for a meal - drink - get a hangover etc.

    Does anyone have any good suggestions that aren't totally obvious from

    Run a Marathon? Or to be more realistic,you could do a sponsored run of some kind........

    Learn to cook? Doesn't have to be some as dramatic as a full on spread, but learn to make a dish of some kind, a lot of people undervalue the importance of being able to cook, and rely too much on processed foods.

    De-clutter the house, but be ruthless this time (yes i mean this time, because we all try and de-clutter and fail miserably). For example, don't buy another video game till you have completed or rinsed the one you are playing now........ no more hording for a rainy day, odds are it will be cheaper and easily available in a few months time.......

    Go to a gig, concert, event on your own! lol, still aint actually done this yet, ive been told its less frightning than you imagine and can be a lot of fun and liberating.........



      Where are you based mate? I always find Time Out is a good start if you're in the capital.


        Museums and galleries. Take advantage of these things while they are free, they may not be for much longer.

        Watch a sport you know nothing about (yet)?

        Do a sport you know nothing about (yet)?


          Free stuff or spending stuff?

          If you are not already a member of a sports team then I'd put that as Nr 1 priority, it's virtually free and you instantly gain a number of new friends with a similar interest. You don't have to good at a sport to participate, you just need to want to do it. I'm biased, I would recommend rugby.

          Personal challenges? Local 10k, half marathon, London to Bright bike ride? Stuff like that, gives you a goal with the added benefit of getting fit in the meantime. if really keen you could then go onto some of the bigger challenges - climb Killimanjaro, walk the West Highland Way.

          If physical exertion isn't your bag what about getting genned up on a subject you are interested in. Could do so via local college evening course or just by saying 'I'm going to read and research the top 10 books in the charts/popular list/classic list'. Other courses at you local college are a good start to find a huge range of subjects you may not have considered before, go a bit Patrick Swayze and have a go at pottery.

          Voluntary work? Loads of freeloading organisations out there just begging(literally) for your time and effort.


            Spend 500 on a little hatchback like a Civic and do track days. Not cheap but lots of fun.
            If you can stretch further get a better car like an MX5.


              These are all very worthy suggestions. You could also just go to the park, read books, and go to the cinema more. It's less effort than a marathon anyway.


                Originally posted by 112 View Post
                Learn to cook? Doesn't have to be some as dramatic as a full on spread, but learn to make a dish of some kind, a lot of people undervalue the importance of being able to cook, and rely too much on processed foods.
                That's what I did last year.

                Started off an abysmal cook and while I can't say I'm great, I really enjoy it, especially just getting random ingredients and seeing what I can come up with.

                Always use fresh produce as well, much better flavour than all this frozen crap.


                  While useful and valuable, de-cluttering the house is literally not a fun thing to do in 2010.


                    Goto the national trust website there are so many cool historical places to visit in the uk, thats what i'll be doing this year. Each year i make sure i visit a few places last year it was leeds castle & chatsworth house (although chatsworth isn't really national trust i don't think)

                    Depends if you like stuff like that, personally i love visiting historical places.


                      Originally posted by 112 View Post
                      Run a Marathon?
                      That was my option, after years of saying I'd do it, and one year of getting in, starting training, then stopping as I dealt with a relationship breakdown. This April, if my 32-year-old knees can take it, I'll be attempting to run a mere 26.2 miles around London.


                        I plan to go to the Trocadero arcade in London next month. It should be a good day out. Live in ireland btw so not just a taxi-ride away unfortunately.

                        Go-karting - everyone should try this with mates. Excellent fun.


                          I am in London so Time Out is definately a good shout.

                          Some great suggestions so far guys.

                          In the spirit of getting started I booked tickets for the Dali Universe this weekdend, the Aquarium (haven't been in years) and a random jaunt to the ice cream parlours of London (this one is not really for me).

                          Cooking is good - I worked in kitchens while I was a student so I can cook relatively well but I need to learn some new dishes.

                          Love the track day idea, I actually have a friend who visits the Nurburgring once a year so I could get in on that.

                          Even decluttering the house is a good one - I spent 2 hours throwing crap out yesterday. It is extremely cathartic.

                          Next stop is a weekend break to Paris, I had an awful time there about 6 years ago and I want to go back and see if I can finally understand why everyone likes it so much.


                            My wife's bridesmaids and their husbands came to visit us last year and we went to Drayton Manor for the day. It's a fun little theme park near us, but they had so much fun and gave us something to look forward that the 6 of us have agreed to meet up every few months and do something.

                            So far we've been mountain biking in Wales, walking in the Lake District (and visited Cars of the Stars Museum!), visited the Christmas Market in Manchester and this year we're looking to go skiing/snowboarding on the cheap somewhere!

                            I really don't understand why people don't do more "stuff". You don't have to pay for everything. Researchers say it's not what you own that makes you happy, but your memories of what you've done, because you normally look back with rose-tinted glasses whether it was fun or not!

                            You should be sorted in the big smoke, ItsThere. Every time I visit, I'm overwhelmed on the tube with all the posters and moving billboards of all the things to see and do.
                            Last edited by QualityChimp; 05-01-2010, 08:31. Reason: Added links


                              I wanna do clay pigeon shooting and orbing, not at the same though lol

