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Job Centre! Are Crap!

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    Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
    That's a bad thing? Surely it's helping the people that need help most?
    No it isn't, well it is, but it is massively flawed, and I just pray for you that you never have to find out the way my partner and I did.

    I am sure people can give their own personal experiences. I know I can, but a public message board isn't the place to air such a private matter.

    Needless to say, I have only required the assistance of the 'system' once in this country, and it was made clear that to get the financial help we needed, my partner would have to stop work, be single or be single with a child.

    There is little help for couples who have no children and are on a low income - Well ,there is working tax credit, but it's barely worth the effort.

    Last edited by Shez; 12-02-2010, 07:10.



      The Warrington job centre is the worst of a bad lot. They basically tap away at their keyboards, often spelling simple words incorrectly or subjecting you to their smoker's cough as they appear to have no respect for you in the slightest. I could do everything they bother to do in the comfort of my own room without the indignation of being suggested to that I retrain for the love of God! I didn't spend 4 ****ing years at uni to retrain as an FLT license holder (no offense to any holders on the forum).

      I got tarred with the same brush as ex offenders and chavs, I got sick of it and the centre manager learned the hard way that anyone with a modicum of intelligence isn't someone you want to try and fob off (ex offenders probably aren't either, but at least they get kept on a leash by their chavvy girls who rely on the money for pot)


        If you don't have a kid or disability, the government doesn't give a toss about you. Does kinda piss you off that you pay all this tax and national insurance and you really, really have to work to claim any jobseekers, even then you get put in the lowest possible band and are expected to go for a humiliating interview.

        I'm on a salary of £16K for a relatively skilled job. It annoys me that my dad's partner's daughter (who was a classic case of teen pregnancy) works 2 days a week part time and gets around £18K a year when you take into account benefits.

        Our system encourages lazy unfit mothers to leech off the system and when their benefits start to dry up as the kid gets old enough for school, they simply pump out another kid that they'll fail to bring up properly. Just look at the whole Shanon Matthews thing for an example of what our benefits system does to society.

        *lives on a road with lots of council houses in one of the worst roads in his town so sees examples of this thing every day*


          Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
          I'm on a salary of ?16K for a relatively skilled job. It annoys me that my dad's partner's daughter (who was a classic case of teen pregnancy) works 2 days a week part time and gets around ?18K a year when you take into account benefits.
          Of course she does have the added expense of raising a child. That extra 2k a year is less than ?40 a week. Plus if you are in a skilled job then presumably you have the chance for career progression and bigger earnings at some point.


            The Jobcentre IS ****e. Best thing you could do is 'get depressed' and apply for DLA, and then ask to see your disability advisor, who could then forward you on to a company called Remploy who WILL get you a job, if you want it - though bear in mind, it'll probably be either an office job if you don't have learning difficulties, or otherwise will probably be a job working somewhere like McDonalds, Wilkinsons, B&Q etc. A job's a job and finding one these days is uber-difficult, they're nothing to be baulked at.

            That's what I did a few years back, saw my disability advisor, got put onto Remploy (who are GREAT), did an NHS Healthcare training course through a company visiting Remploy, finished the three-month healthcare course (including two months as an actual healthcare on an elderly ward) and then I just hammered the NHS Jobs website, got a job less than a month after finishing the healthcare course. And, now I'm embedded and great at what I do, I can always move across or upwards if I want to. Sweet.

            Many may laugh, but a company like Remploy is proactive (though you need to be as well in order to benefit). The Jobcentre really, really doesn't care.

            The dole is a joke.


              Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
              If you don't have a kid or disability, the government doesn't give a toss about you.
              Even if you DO HAVE A KID and they don't live with you, you are still totally screwed! I see my little girl every 2 weeks for 1.5 days and because of this I MUST HAVE A 2 BED FLAT! Or I dont have my daughter to stay Not so bad when I was attached, however a total knightmare now I am single, and unemployed? Total wagon


                Got not one, but TWO letters from them today.

                One saying that the £9 or whatever for that extra day has been given and also the money from the 8th to the 18th of jan, but the best part is that they are holding it back due to a possible overpayment on their behalf, which is ridiculous as I've been in work so they haven't had a chance to 'overpay' me.

                However, due to this I'm eligible to apply for a crisis loan until I get my wages.

                Which was last week.

                They really do take the piss. I mean, who controls these morons?


                  Brain slugs


                    Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
                    The Jobcentre IS ****e. Best thing you could do is 'get depressed' and apply for DLA, and then ask to see your disability advisor, who could then forward you on to a company called Remploy who WILL get you a job, if you want it - though bear in mind, it'll probably be either an office job if you don't have learning difficulties, or otherwise will probably be a job working somewhere like McDonalds, Wilkinsons, B&Q etc. A job's a job and finding one these days is uber-difficult, they're nothing to be baulked at.

                    That's what I did a few years back, saw my disability advisor, got put onto Remploy (who are GREAT), did an NHS Healthcare training course through a company visiting Remploy, finished the three-month healthcare course (including two months as an actual healthcare on an elderly ward) and then I just hammered the NHS Jobs website, got a job less than a month after finishing the healthcare course. And, now I'm embedded and great at what I do, I can always move across or upwards if I want to. Sweet.

                    Many may laugh, but a company like Remploy is proactive (though you need to be as well in order to benefit). The Jobcentre really, really doesn't care.

                    The dole is a joke.
                    Remploy are funded by the DWP, the same department which Job centre belongs too.


                      ^I know, but they actively get people jobs! Plus, they have nice, purple pens.


                        nice purple... oh... pens


                          Only had to sign on twice but i learned well the second time, i learnt how the only way to make it work is to lie through your teeth as telling the truth just gets you jack ****.

                          This is pretty much spot on for the **** they dish out. Uncannily accurate


                            This satire is so outdated, Jason. The Job Centre sign is green now.


                              I remember a few years back when I'd just left college and was trying to get my first job in IT. Luckily I had 6 years prior to this in accounts so I was able to fall back on temping to keep the money rolling in. The pile of papers required to be filled in for what worked out at £44 was friggin ridiculous, glad I never bothered.


                                Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
                                ^I know, but they actively get people jobs! Plus, they have nice, purple pens.
                                My point is Remploy and Job Centre do 2 different jobs (forgive the pun), remploy get you work - and they are excellent at it might I add - and Job centre provide assistance regarding your beneift claim and advertise jobs available.

                                Its like comparing an accountancy firm with a pub.

