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The Election

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    Can anyone recommend some decent sites to help me brush up on my politics(not too fussed about terminologies, but the dopier the better)? At the ripe old age of 27, I feel like I should know a bit more about this stuff. Think of this request as the politics equivalent of asking for a PAL vs NTSC guide


      Well I for one am pleased with the result.

      I'm no fan of the Tories, but they did (in my eyes) have more legitimacy to run things, being the most popular party. However a Lib-Con coalition (assuming it is agreed by the Lib Dems MPs/Executive - major FUBAR if it isn't) is far more enticing prospect as the Tory's excesses and regressive stance should be at least partly curbed by the Lib-Dems.

      We'll still be Tory Euro sceptic and I'm doubtful about AV as a voting system, but it seems like the Lib-Dems have played a blinder and got the Tory's to agree far more than they originally would have envisaged.

      And Labour haven't suffered the massive loss of support that was predicted sixc months ago, which means they should be a strong opposition.


        Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
        Can anyone recommend some decent sites to help me brush up on my politics(not too fussed about terminologies, but the dopier the better)? At the ripe old age of 27, I feel like I should know a bit more about this stuff. Think of this request as the politics equivalent of asking for a PAL vs NTSC guide



          David Cameron just can't shut up about these "difficult decisions" that need to be made, can he?

          Political code for "you're gonna hate what I do, so I'ma pretend that it pains me to do it."


            Originally posted by Brats View Post
            Well I for one am pleased with the result.

            I'm no fan of the Tories, but they did (in my eyes) have more legitimacy to run things, being the most popular party. However a Lib-Con coalition (assuming it is agreed by the Lib Dems MPs/Executive - major FUBAR if it isn't) is far more enticing prospect as the Tory's excesses and regressive stance should be at least partly curbed by the Lib-Dems.

            We'll still be Tory Euro sceptic and I'm doubtful about AV as a voting system, but it seems like the Lib-Dems have played a blinder and got the Tory's to agree far more than they originally would have envisaged.

            And Labour haven't suffered the massive loss of support that was predicted sixc months ago, which means they should be a strong opposition.
            +1 the man speaks the truth


              Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
              Can anyone recommend some decent sites to help me brush up on my politics(not too fussed about terminologies, but the dopier the better)? At the ripe old age of 27, I feel like I should know a bit more about this stuff. Think of this request as the politics equivalent of asking for a PAL vs NTSC guide
              Remember, the tories are 525 lines and 60hz, Labour are 625 lines and 50hz, Lib Dems are like Labour but the colours are all done in a different way.

              Back to the election, I'm glad this horrible embarassing mess is, at least for now, finished.

              Now for the first budget...

              Ironically, if the 10K tax bracket is brought in, it would probably be the first ever budget I'm better off on.


                Originally posted by merf View Post
                cos Gordon Brown has spunked all the money up against a wall and put us all into debt for decades ?
                And cutting things back so hard that public services you now take for granted will be non-existent will solve things?

                Gordon Brown was an idiot in my eyes and I'll never defend his inaction years ago, and downright lack of foresight, which helped caused us to be in the **** right up to our necks, but of all the parties that worried me the most about their approach to sorting it out, the Tories were right up there with the `might as well just nuke ourselves with Trident` plan.
                Last edited by Spatial; 11-05-2010, 21:04.


                  Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                  I'm glad this horrible embarassing mess is, at least for now, finished.
                  I don't see it as 'horrible' or 'embarrassing' at all. Embarrassing to whom exactly? Clearly not other countries who have far more sophisticated voting systems and are used to dealing with this mature debate and non-partisanship.

                  I believe we will end up with a balanced set of policies, rather than the excesses of either. I was actually a fan of Lib Dems ideas of a amnesty on some illegal immigrants and a referendum on the Euro, but I appreciate these are unpopular policies so it seems right that these have been ditched, along with the less well thought out areas of Tory policy.


                    Did BNP get a single seat?


                      Nope. And they lost their 12 council seats in Dagenham (I think it was).


                        Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                        the Tories were right up there with the `might as well just nuke ourselves with Trident` plan.
                        Well, it'd be a massive waste of money if they weren't used at some point. How much money have they cost us? And how many have we actually used?

                        What a pointless waste of cash IMO. I'm not even 100% convinced they exist anyway.


                          all smiles and positive body language as Clegg just was greeted at no10 by Cameron, negative marks for Clegg though as he went for the double handed overgrip handshake (clasping the elbow with his left hand) which in my book is always the mark of an utter controlling turd who is too full of themselves.


                            Thanks for the body language analysis, Mr. merf, and now it's off to our constitutional expert, Vernon Bogdanor.


                              The rule of Day 1 is to always make someone your bitch, or end up being their bitch.


                                Right let's get on with the cuts and the misty eyed revisionism many will trot out about Dithering Gordon.

                                Can hardly wait for the unions to pick up the batton and start the strikes now their puppets have been voted out.

