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E-readers. Which is the best?

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    Cheers, I gathered you can read them, what I wasn't sure about was getting my own data on to one, rather then via the e-readers proprietary store ?


      If thats possible piracy should be easy because many books are on torrents in pdf format.


        Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
        If thats possible piracy should be easy because many books are on torrents in pdf format.
        In which case, I'm guessing it wouldn't be allowed then. Not interested in getting dodgy copies of books (always been happy to pay for the real thing), just looking for a way to not carry 1000 page books around with me..


          Yeah, thats what I meant


            iPad - I've played with a work colleagues Kindle and I definitely prefer reading on my iPad, but then the price point is a big downer for the iPad.

            Especially with the new Kindle being really cheap.


              Reading on an LCD simply doesn't compare to e-ink.

              e-ink is incredibly easy on the eyes, especially with the improved contrast of newer models. A battery life that's good for a few thousand pages between charges is also great.

              Ipads are also huge and weigh 3+ times as much as an e-reader.

              The vast majority of e-readers will allow you to put your own files on with no restrictions (other than the formats they support). They can be quite flexible too, some can even read cbz/cbr files and most have 'reflow' options for PDFs to optimise the text size for the resolution.


                I like to read outside in the sunshine. E-ink shows up perfectly in direct sunlight. That's a win in my book.


                  I've decided to get one of the new Kindle's (the 3g enabled one), never used an e-reader before but i think i will like it.

                  The UK kindle store is now up on the site and you can download the Kindle app for PC and other devices there now too (iphone, android etc). The price's seem reasonable only had a quick glance but the popular paperbacks are as low as you can expect for example Under the Dome is ?2.88, Girl Who Played with Fire ?2.70. Obviuosly the free book collection is there too (although you can just get stuff from Project Gutenberg in .mobi format).


                    Wow, I expected the UK Kindle store prices to be ripoff prices like the iBook stores. I think i'll stop using the US Kindle store now.


                      Yeah, I was having a look just now and the prices are good. New e-book store: found.

