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Do you Tantrum?

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    Originally posted by ShadowDancer View Post
    If, playing a long section of a game, and then die at the final bit, i kick my legs out and wiggle them like I'm a child throwing an actual tantrum, its rather sad and true.

    Very honest of you.


      I set fire to a ****e DVD burner once after punching it during another DVD burning disaster tantrum (one of many PC related tantrums*) I can't find the thread here (was many years back) so.......

      * now resolved by becoming an Apple Whore
      Last edited by Ginger Tosser; 07-07-2010, 23:13.



        Ah brings back memories.


          Some of you seem to take a very considered approach to your tantrums, like the OP - even taking the time to document the whole event in photographs! Are you still in a blind rage throughout the process?

          I don't suppose I have tantrums, but I do sulk a lot.

          A guy I worked with once stamped his foot in anger - the whole office burst out laughing at his strop, which probably made him even more angry.





              Personally any adult that has a tantrum needs mental help. Tantrums are childish to the extreme. Getting seriously pissed off is one thing but taking a fit is something different

              Anyway, as a kid I did when playing my master System back in 1987 but soon grew out of it. I'm more the "f@ck it" type of person. You know, if it isn't going my way I'll just leave what ever it is and maybe come back to it at a later date.


                I remember playing Diddy Kong Racing a few years back and couldn't for the life of me beat that ****ing giant dragon boss. In a fit of rage I hurled the controller at a window, broke it, and narrowly missed my mum who was gardening outside. She wasn't amused. Neither was I - those controllers weren't cheap.

                **** you dragon boss.


                  I don't usually throw tantrums but, when I get my new laptop, look forward to witnessing the destruction of a Sony Vaio. I'll post pics.


                    Some great replies on here. I'm a pretty calm guy and just turn the machine off. Wasn't as cool headed as an 8 year old though. My pads normally got thrown onto my matress. I was angry but didnt want to break anything!

                    More recently computer games rage consists of:

                    1. Playing an unfair chapter of a game a few times

                    2. Declaring war on the game for being a waste of my precious time when I could be doing better things

                    3. Removing the game from the console

                    4. Taking a photo

                    5. Listing that sucker on ebay for some other poor soul to struggle with


                      Heh, I remember getting extremely frustrated with Dead Space on the 360, so I ejected the disc and snapped it in half.

                      And it felt bloody good!


                        I once got really annoyed by Splinter Cell on the Xbox, so much so that I took the game out, packed up the console, and sold it all to Computer Exchange Haven't played a Splinter Cell game since, just in case.

                        My younger brother is good for the odd tantrum, he's spent a reasonable wedge on replacing joypads that felt his wrath


                          I also remember ripping apart a West Ham shirt a few years back after a particularly ****ty performance away to Blackburn (I think it ended 5-0). It was the only shirt I'd ever had personalised, and the player had been so unbelievably crap that day I took it off and just annihilated it.

                          I don't buy personalised shirts any more. Well, I might for older players like Moore/Brooking/Di Canio.

                          Anyone noticing a theme to my rage in this thread will understand why I tend to stay out of football discussion on the forum.


                            Those who say they don't have tantrums. Go and play Trials HD. Report back with findings.


                              Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
                              Personally any adult that has a tantrum needs mental help. Tantrums are childish to the extreme. Getting seriously pissed off is one thing but taking a fit is something different

                              Anyway, as a kid I did when playing my master System back in 1987 but soon grew out of it. I'm more the "f@ck it" type of person. You know, if it isn't going my way I'll just leave what ever it is and maybe come back to it at a later date.
                              Same here, but that's not in the spirit of the thread so.....

                              My dad used to play a load of snooker, starting way back in the 50's when the only heating was those woodburner efforts you see in the likes of The Great Escape nissen huts. He played one guy who thought he was a bit of a hot shot, my dad played him without taking his overcoat off. The bloke was so enraged he broke up his own cue there and then and put in in thr woodburner. Dad said it was great, not only had he won a few shillings off the bloke he got a bit of free heat in with the bargain! Always makes me laugh.


                                Originally posted by neil2k View Post
                                I'm not crazy honest lol, now be honest and share people.
                                Erm...that's a whole new level of tantrum, that borders on psychotic behaviour. I remember when I was trying to load Power Drift on my C64 for the firth time in a row, it failed again, and for the last time. I calmly unplugged the computer, took out the AV lead and launched it it through my bedroom window, whereupon it crashed to the ground below smashing into a gazillion pieces. How I regretted it the minute I did it. What I should have done was unplugged the tape recorder and launched that instead. Yes, I do realise that this too, may be regarded as psychotic behaviout.

