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Negotiating a Salary

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    Agencies are utter bastards.

    You get a phone call from a company, they tell you they've seen your application for a job and would like you to come in for an interview.

    You get your suit dry cleaned, get all prepared, get zero sleep the night before, check the website for their background... and you realise the company is actually an agency, not the one you thought would actually be hiring you. They're not interviewing you for that job, they're just getting you on their books.

    I got real angry when I got suckered.

    Anyhow, on your job hunting.

    2 months is nothing. I was hunting for 7 months before I got my current job.

    Remember : It's their loss if they won't hire you. It's not your fault they have stupid narrow minded CV screening policies preventing interviews. Don't get down, have confidence in what you can do.

    Landing a job is like playing the lottery.

    Also, start contacting companies that aren't advertising for jobs. Even if there's a 1 in 50 chance that they're looking for applicants but haven't yet advertised, that's far better odds than you'll get applying for a popular graduate position and you'll have shown a huge amount of initiative and won't be competing with many others.

    Worse comes to worse, spend some time temping. Especially if you approach the 6 month mark and are about to get put on the new deal.

    temping >>>>>>>>>>> New Deal 'employment courses'


      Noted, I had to attend a six-week "Get back to Work Session" at the Job Centre last week, as If the fortnightly humiliation sessions weren't enough, I was shown how to use the Job points and asked If I knew how to use a computer to send an email. The only thing I wasn't asked was If I've applied for any jobs that fortnight, I have a portfolio of applied jobs I never seem to have shown them


        Part of my job involves interviewing candidates on occasion.

        essentially i'm looking for -

        can you do the job?
        Will you do the job?
        Will you fit in?
        What 'added value' are you bringing to the organisation ?

        So, can you give me examples/scenarios of actually doing/using the skills? (Also know as competency based questioning)

        If you aren't suitably motivated, the panel will spot it a mile off, so do your prep. Look enthusiastic - remember, you are at the interview - the panel are interested!

        more to come if you find this useful
        Last edited by dvdx2; 28-09-2010, 18:36.


          Update, I've managed to land a job interview on Monday morning The Job is primarily working for the University where I graduated, with input from the very people and department I graduated from. It's exactly the experience I need and could not be any more perfect.

          Very, very excited now, as I know I have what it takes to nail this and am mentally prepared for anything that gets thrown at me


            Sounds great, good luck


              Oh boy, this is complicated

              I didn't get the job, I came a very close 2nd, but I could still get it. I was pipped by some chap from London, with a Masters Degree and years experience. I'm extremely happy that I managed to keep up with a candidate of that calibre.

              Here's the complicated bit, they can't get in touch with him. They need him to move up North and start as early as next week too. If he doesn't have a valid reason for calling back, or he can't immediately relocate, the job falls to me. The wait finding out is agonising.

