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Want some perspective on where you fit in on the universe?

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    The balloon thing was just a concept that Hawking described as to how the universe expands so people could understand the logic of why everything is moving away from everything else.

    Like smurfy said, he also mentions that it could be doughnut shaped but tbh, i don't reckon anyone knows for sure. I suppose its just our logic that automatically makes us think its round. Current mathematics based on what we know up to this point will only get our understanding so far. Until astronomers or scientists discover more about the universe they won't be able to apply current or modified maths or physics fomula to understanding how it came into being or what shape it is etc.


      I reckon it's fractal shaped. The entire universe is running off a Mandelbrot Generator similar to the ones that appeared in the pages of Your Sinclair magazine in the mid-80s. That's why it keeps expanding. Why else would Mandelbrots exist?

