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Little things that bring a smile to your face

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    Deffo. When I go back to my parents' I often go and take advantage of the ongoing Poundland/Wilkinson war nearby. There are no ?1 shops near me at all. Last time I went I got a stylus and a stand for my iPad, some speaker wire and random 3.5mm headphone cables. I bought a CD as well!

    Just today I was at Robert Dyas buying one of those duvet vacuum bag things and decided to get a clothes line and pegs for my room. Line was ?2.29 and pegs were ?2.49. Changed my mind and just stuck with the vacuum bag thing and will just pay Poundland a visit over the weekend.

    There are things I wouldn't get from there but every time I go I spend over a tenner. I wanted place mats for my table and bought a pack of four vinyl tiles to use instead


      Poundland in Surbiton and Kingston luckily, don't go there often though.

      In the Midlands most of the stores are Poundland or 99p stores etc, it's pretty funny but also convenient.



          Loving the Poundland love!

          Went today armed with the ?2 off a ?12 spend vouchers today and ended up spending ?21 (?25 minus 2 lots of the voucher)
          Was really busy and some people had two baskets for of stuff. Got my ?1 hole puncher which even came with a stapler - take that WHSmiths!


            My Swiss paycheck. And the "small" amount of money I was given to refund moving costs. And that the company paid me even before October ends.


              All my stuff arrived shortly after noon. It's a joy being able to write from the main computer


                Be sure to build a fort with the empty boxes. Or a sofa.


                  Yeah, that;s about as half as much as I have excluding furniture. Hence why I don't really want to move again so soon.


                    Please tell me that's an actual Steel Battalion controller and not just the box being reused


                      My Commodore 1081 hasn't had vertical collapse since resoldering the flyback transformer for almost an hour now.

                      Before resoldering the verticle IC it would last about 12 minutes, after about half an hour. Fingers crossed it lasts a few hours, then I can declare it "fixed".

                      EDIT: Nope, not even. Bah!!

                      Guess replacing components may be the only way to fix the chassis.
                      Last edited by speedlolita; 27-10-2012, 22:17.


                        Holding my second child in my arms today

                        Isaac Brown - born 27th October 3:03pm (4 days early) - weighing in at 7lb 14oz

                        We had to get Charlotte induced because he hadn't grown much in 2 weeks and fetal movements were reducing due to the lack of space available to him and he is gorgeous

                        i spoiler tag this but read with peril

                        When a woman gives birth she suffers some tears and some grazes and with Ellie she had a few tears and a few grazes, with Isaac she suffer two tears a very small one on the perineaum and.......... her clitoris basically tore in half, midwives normally deal with stitches but they had to get a doctor in to do some fine stitching and he managed to stitch it back together, i was getting evils off her for a while eek

                        very happy because of what happened with the last pregnancy, but thats it one of each so all good

                        Isaac bought ellie a tea set to which she walked over and kissed him - boom psychology lol


                          Congratulations Mr Boon! Or should we call you, Mr Baby Boom?

                          And yeah, that sounds nonsense painful...


                            Congrats buster, as a female though I really wish I hadn't read the spoilered bit


                              Congrats Jase though after reading the spoiler I doubt she will let you near her again to try for a 3rd, but congrats man


                                Congrats Buster!!

                                I too wish I hadnt read the spoilered bit though!

