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North Korea's missiles again...

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    Originally posted by Guts View Post
    Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have the U.S. as the world's only military super power and world police when the alternatives are countries like Russia or People's Republic of China.
    To which I say...

    Originally posted by Guts View Post
    That's one of the dumbest things I've heard in a while.


      Have Activision paid Kim Jong Un a ****load of cash and is this some sort of ****ed up trailer for Call Of Duty : Megaton or something.

      I'm wil Sketcz re: the US. I find the rhetoric and language from the US govenment idiodic, using terms like "pose a threat to our country and national security" is just tiresome and general bull**** for "we have a US Airbase in evey country and we are up for a fight".

      I take issue with a country that on the surface appears to be populated by gun-ho idiots who couldn't give a **** if the rest of the world wiped each other out, as long as they where OK. As Bill Hicks used to say, they are the bullys of the world.

      The UK may not be perfect, but I would rather spend time with a chav, hoodie or drop-out than some gun-toting imbecile who thinks its their birth-right to bear arms and shoot anyone they don't like the look of. Brain dead ****ing idiots each and eveyone of them who just can't see the connection of owning guns and gun-crime.

      Just wait until the US has a pop at China in the future because its using all the oil. Its coming people, its only a matter of time. The US people won't stand for paying anything more than 70c for a gallon of "gas".


        Originally posted by englishbob View Post
        Just wait until the US has a pop at China in the future because its using all the oil. Its coming people, its only a matter of time. The US people won't stand for paying anything more than 70c for a gallon of "gas".
        They should be invading already then


          Originally posted by Guts View Post
          I never said I believe the U.S. are innocent knights in shining armour. But they're a hell of a lot better than Russia or China. They are easily the best option from a bad bunch. And I have to laugh, if you really think the U.S. is "just as bad" when it comes to human rights violations as countries like China, North Korea, Afghanistan or Iran for example.
          The Americans are simply secretive about the **** they pull off. America frequently removes leaders who don't obey America's demands, often by assassinating them, America then makes deals with the newly put in place leaders that sees the country put in debt, America then takes control of that countries resources and gets rich, meanwhile the people in the country whose resources are being stolen suffer. To cut a long story short: America is quite content to see a nation's people starve to death as long as it means America gets richer. Research it, the internet is full of ex-hitmen who worked for the US government with stories like that. All governments are corrupt, all governments are interested in self-preservation and little else. UK, US, Russia, Israel, Iran, makes no difference.
          Last edited by Charlie; 05-04-2013, 16:52.


            Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
            To which I say...
            Maybe you'd think a bit different about giving rogue states access to nuclear weapons if you'd live in a place like South Korea or Israel.

            Out of curiosity, do you also support the idea that all citizens should be armed with firearms at all times, because that evens the playing field?


              Originally posted by Guts View Post
              Out of curiosity, do you also support the idea that all citizens should be armed with firearms at all times, because that evens the playing field?
              I support a certain level of gun control for civilians. The police should be armed though.

              This isn't the same as the planet though. America is not our friendly police force who should be armed. Their government is just as dangerous as any other, they just have better propaganda saying otherwise. It is grossly impudent for them to have weapons that can destroy planets, and then still want a monopoly on it.

              I'd like to point out:
              South Africa is the only country to create nuclear weapons on their own, and then willingly give them up entirely.

              If the US disarmed entirely, I'd be more inclined to take their demands for other countries to disarm seriously.


                Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                All governments are corrupt, all governments are interested in self-preservation and little else. UK, US, Russia, Israel, Iran, makes no difference.
                Most people don't actually know that all these corrupt governments are agents for and are funded by the Rothschild banking group, with the exception of North Korea, Iran and Cuba. These are the only 3 countries left in the world without a Rothschild central bank. Back in year 2000 there were 7 countries without one, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, North Korea, Iran, Cuba and Lybia.

                Kind of puts a whole new perspective into why these so called "rogue states" are a threat.
                Seems they are just trying to defend themselves.


                  Here are some pictures of Kim Jong-un looking at stuff.

                  Beautiful Pictures - Find the best nice Pictures, Memes, Videos and Gifs on the internet! New beautiful pictures submitted daily. Keep Calm and Chive On!

                  It's depressing that when you start Googling for news on Kim Jong-Un, you get a lot more suggestions for Kim Kardashian. *sigh*

                  Apparently, he's stepped up his security detail because he fears a military coup. He wanted to ease the poverty in North Korea but that would've eaten into the military budget, so he's already survived one assassination attempt.

                  All this moving of missiles business is his way of showing the old guard that he means businesses.

                  Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, has stepped up his personal security detail due to fears of a military coup or uprising, according to intelligence sources in South Korea.

                  Here's a picture of him looking badass, packing some heat.


                    Originally posted by Solar View Post
                    Back in year 2000 there were 7 countries without one, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, North Korea, Iran, Cuba and Lybia.
                    Yes. And all of those countries are complete Hell holes. Point being?


                      Originally posted by Guts View Post
                      Yes. And all of those countries are complete Hell holes. Point being?
                      Gold and Africa's biggest Oil Reserves
                      The gold reserves alone are substantial, ranking in the global top 25, according to International Monetary Fund (IMF) data.They could potentially be used to finance Colonel Gaddafi's government at a time when it is subject to international financial sanctions. ($6 billion apparently)

                      - It has a Projected $1 Trillion dollars worth of resources

                      Afghanistan, often dismissed in the West as an impoverished and failed state, is sitting on $1 trillion of untapped minerals, according to new calculations from surveys conducted jointly by the Pentagon and the US Geological Survey.

                      The sheer size of the deposits ? including copper, gold, iron and cobalt as well as vast amounts of lithium, a key component in batteries of Western lifestyle staples such as laptops and BlackBerrys ? holds out the possibility that Afghanistan, ravaged by decades of conflict, might become one of the most important and lucrative centres of mining in the world.

                      Iraq & Iran
                      No saddam, no selling oil in Euros!
                      Iranian oil Bourse -
                      It was created by cooperation between Iranian ministries, the Iran Mercantile Exchange and other state and private institutions in 2005.[9] The history ofIran Mercantile Exchange and its links with the "international trading floor of crude oil and petrochemical products in the Kish Island" (IOB) have been published.[10]
                      The IOB is intended as an oil bourse for petroleum, petrochemicals and gasin various currencies other than the United States dollar, primarily the euroand Iranian rial and a basket of other major (non-US) currencies. The geographical location is at the Persian Gulf island of Kish which is designated by Iran as a free trade zone.[11]
                      During 2007, Iran asked its petroleum customers to pay in non US dollar currencies. By December 8, 2007, Iran reported to have converted all of its oil export payments to non-dollar currencies.[12] The Kish Bourse was officially opened in a videoconference ceremony on February 17, 2008, despite last minute disruptions to the internet services to the Persian Gulf regions. Currently the Kish Bourse is only trading in oil-derived products, generally those used as feedstock for the plastics and pharmaceutical industries. However, officially published statements by Iranian oil minister Gholamhossein Nozari indicate that the second phase, to establish trading in crude oil directly, which has been suggested might one day perhaps create a "Caspian Crude" benchmark price analogous to Brent Crude or WTI will only be started after the Bourse has demonstrated a reasonable period of trouble-free running.
                      Hell is profitable.

                      Last edited by 'Press Start'; 05-04-2013, 21:53.


                        Originally posted by Guts View Post
                        Yes. And all of those countries are complete Hell holes. Point being?
                        BTW 'hell hole' countries with terrible human rights issues but with leaders in the pocket get to dine with the Queen at our expense.


                          Most of the destabilisation in the Middle East is the work of the Seven Sisters. If you have Al Jazeera news channel, I recommended you watch their recent documentary:


                          On August 28, 1928, in the Scottish highlands, began the secret story of oil.

                          Three men had an appointment at Achnacarry Castle - a Dutchman, an American and an Englishman.

                          That August night, the three men decided to stop fighting and to start sharing out the world's oil. Their vision was that production zones, transport costs, sales prices - everything would be agreed and shared. And so began a great cartel, whose purpose was to dominate the world, by controlling its oil.

                          Four others soon joined them, and they came to be known as the Seven Sisters - Exxon, Shell, BP, Mobil, Texaco, Gulf and Chevron - the biggest oil companies in the world.
                          Actually, you can watch it on that page. I recommend you do so. The world is in the grip of cartels and secret organisations, and we're all being screwed because of it.


                            Originally posted by Solar View Post
                            Most people don't actually know that all these corrupt governments are agents for and are funded by the Rothschild banking group, with the exception of North Korea, Iran and Cuba. These are the only 3 countries left in the world without a Rothschild central bank. Back in year 2000 there were 7 countries without one, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, North Korea, Iran, Cuba and Lybia.

                            Kind of puts a whole new perspective into why these so called "rogue states" are a threat.
                            Seems they are just trying to defend themselves.
                            There's only those three countries left without a Rothschild central bank? That's very interesting if true. As you say it sheds a whole new light on those 'threats' they keep telling us about.

                            It also makes me feel rather helpless as, unless I cut my ties with society for good and go live in a cave or a cabin in the middle of the woods or similar, I'm helping them get richer, I'm a cog in the gears, as anyone reading this is, and therefore part of the problem.
                            Last edited by Charlie; 09-04-2013, 14:36.

