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Buying a pram - advice/suggestions needed please

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    Buying a pram - advice/suggestions needed please

    Well, my bro & his lady are expecting their 2nd child in April and are looking for a pram. My mum has offered to pay for it (again ), however my bro's missus seems to think that in order to get a good pram you need to spend.................?300 .
    I think thats bullcrap, so can any of you fellas with experience suggest a good sturdy pram for ?150 at the most


    My local Tesco sells them in the carpark for a quid.


      Would they consider an import?

      We have a BOB Duallie Sport that we imported from the US because it's by far the most awesome thing in the universe. Our kids have outgrown it so could come up with a price if you are interested. It has all the optional gubbins (rain shield, etc?). Already fitted with knobblier tyres for better puncture resistance. It cost us $700 all up to get it over here

      The advantage of this one is that it's super well balanced, so it's lighter to steer than our single stroller was. 3" travel independent air damped suspension which is tuneable on each side for different aged kids.

      It's designed for jogging by the way. Works just as well around town though.

      Official site


        Can't really recommend any particular make or model, but ?300 for a 'decent' pram is about right.

        I'm not saying they should be that price, but usually decent spec prams last quite a few years, and are used for all babies/kids within the one family.

        We have got a 'Mama's & Papa's' which we have had for over 4 years and it's still going strong. They seem to be quite popular also. Whether that's because of the price or quality (or both), I have no idea.


          Make sure it has wheels. And wi-fi.


            Check the size of the boot on their car - then check the size/ease of the pushchair.


              Yup you get what you pay for, we spent 150 on a Jane stroller and the wheels fell off it after 6 months and the folding mechanism had to be replaced after just two weeks. for our second child we got a Phil and Ted Pram and they really are built to last. its a fantastic bit of kit but its in the 250 to 300 price bracket


                Another thumbs up for the Mama's and Papa's range. We bought a pram/pushchair/baby basket/car seat combo thingy, and although it was on the expensive side, we have had no complaints whatsoever with it.

                I'd say just tell them go out and check out all they can. Ask to have a go folding it, pushing it etc, and like Sanchez say's, make sure theyt try it in their boot before they buy.


                  If its an All-in-One job look at the stroller/pushchair setup, that's going to get the most use. We wasted over ?400 on a Britax and ended up buying a pushchair because it was such a monstrosity.

                  Go to Mothercare for a demo then buy somewhere else cheaper, they probably won't have it in stock anyway...

                  Avoid Maclaren, brakes break, twisty frames.

