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New Voting System?

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    There won't be exit polls until 10pm, when the actual polls close.

    We need to know to what extent each failing of the campaign hurt the cause. One of the annoying parts is that the voting system itself is the cause of people's tribal attitudes.


      I can't help but think of the Douche and Turd episode of South Park. Something needs to change, but neither way is perfect.


        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
        Any reliable exit polls yet?
        Can I ask you how you voted?
        Okay, no need to get huffy.
        I mean... Never mind.

        Can I ask you how you voted?
        How did you vote?
        I mean Yes.

        "YES WINS BY 100%!"


          Originally posted by MartyG View Post
          Misinformation, not liking Nick Clegg, not really understanding what AV is and not bothering to find out, general political apathy?

          Bottom line is: It's a sad day for democracy in the UK when people don't vote for a fairer electorial system

          This post summarises the whole thing for me. It all seems pretty depressing.

          Also, Daragon should stop putting faith in the first piece of information he finds.

          AV costs ?250 million: false. AV demands multi-choice voting: wrong. Portal 2 takes three hours to finish.........


            I think everyone can agree it's been an interesting and yet ardous few months of campaigning with a lot of doubts and misinformation floating about but after all the build up we're beginning to see the first news reports come in with the final results. It looks like we're going to, as a nation, face change in the decision making process in future after all. That's right, Cheryl will be judging on the american X Factor.


              I voted yes. Do I get a star? A gold one would be nice...


                Originally posted by koopatroopa90 View Post
                I voted yes. Do I get a star? A gold one would be nice...
                Gold stars are out, I'm afraid. Although they only got 30% of the vote, purple circles are in now.


                  The 'funny' thing is I keep seeing forum polls and reading Facebook posts from people voting Yes and only a few No votes. So if it does turn out No has the majority it just shows that people like us must be in the minority still. Even though we believe we can get a better deal it is true that we cannot change the politics of the country and we will be stuck with these idiots forever more.

                  All it says to me is the UK is full of knuckle scrapers.


                    Last edited by Daragon; 05-05-2011, 23:07.


                      Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                      Gold stars are out, I'm afraid. Although they only got 30% of the vote, purple circles are in now.
                      Well they were my 4th choice, after silver stars and bronze stars, but before smiley faces.


                        All it says to me is the UK is full of knuckle scrapers.
                        All it says to me is it doesn't matter how you vote. The leaders are still the same useless twats we've always had.


                          Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                          All it says to me is it doesn't matter how you vote. The leaders are still the same useless twats we've always had.
                          If I could I would +1 this post.


                            I wouldn't.

                            Just because the leaders would remain the same, isn't a good enough reason to keep the status quo. The voting system needs reforming and has done for ages - AV would have been a step in the right direction, a NO win means it'll never happen and we continue with a system that, even where the majority think an MP is doing a really crappy job, so long as that block vote exists giving a marginal majority, he can keep cleaning his moats at the tax payer's expense.
                            Last edited by MartyG; 06-05-2011, 08:57.


                              To be fair, we'd probably still have MPs doing crappy jobs and cleaning their moats at tax payer expense under AV as well.

                              Also, a NO win hopefully doesn't mean the end of the possibility of changing the system several years down the line from now and hopefully next time idiots like clegg choose not to vote against PR. Apart from knowing next to nothing about the benefits of AV, I opted for NO to punish the man for sacrificing his core promises for a slice of the Downing Street pie without doing more to challenge Cameron on things like tuition fees. The guy is a spineless weasel - if he survives the year in his deputy PM role I shall be very impressed! And to think I voted for them in the election last may!


                                That's the thing though - you're not punishing the man, you're punishing yourself and the electorate - as I said further up, it's like voting not to widen the M1 because you don't like people in Ferraris.

                                A No win will almost certainly halt any progress in electorial reform because it will be seen as a mandate from the people that they want FPTP - and that card will be held up everytime the question is raised for the foreseable future.

                                AV might not be perfect, few if any voting systems are, but FPTP is bloody awful.
                                Last edited by MartyG; 06-05-2011, 11:48.

