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Need help finding an old issue or 2000 AD comic

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    Need help finding an old issue or 2000 AD comic


    I wonder if there's anyone who might know which issue this story appeared in, it was a one-off story about a kid who visits his uncle (and maybe aunt) in his holidays and there's a beast in the area.

    I think it ends with the kid killing the monster but it was his uncle. It was a black and white story with a kind of strong ink drawn style, if I remember right.

    The story was kind of dark and weird, I'd love to read it again, but I think I threw away all my issues years ago.

    It was either a late 80s or an early 90s issue, does anyone know of a way I could find out, perhaps online?

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    There was also another funny story about a trainee London Underground worker and his trainer is teaching him about all werewolves and other hazards of the job, I'd love to read that again also.

    Sounds like they were 'future shock' episodes. There's a collection of the ones written by Alan Moore available, but I don't know if Rebellion have released any of the others.


      Apart from the fact you said it was one off, it doesn't half sound like Uncle Terry from the Monster storyline which appeared in the old Scream! magazine in the 80's (and then might have been continued in 2001AD along with some other strips, but I'm not sure).


        That was exactly my thought, Spatial. Obviously, one-off aside. It was Eagle it continued in, if I remember correctly. I don't think I ever got the end of the story. If it's not Monster and is a one-off Future Shock, it will likely be tough to track down as there were so many.

        The Underground werewolf story does sound vaguely familiar though and I was reading 2000AD at the time so it probably is a Future Shock.


          I'm fairly sure the underground werewolf one is a future shock, I remember it showing up on scans_daily once.


            I used to read Eagle too, so that's probably where I carried on reading Monster after Scream! vanished.

            I loved Scream!, it was great. Probably because it was quite a bit different to everything else around at the time.

            I always remember the story about the boy who touched a meteor that had crashed in his garden and it gave him green fingers which caused everything he touched to turn into plants. I remember the last panel being he'd hugged his mum who then started to sprout vegetation and telling him he'd be in trouble when his dad got home

            I think the only other comic that sticks in my mind so much was Toxic! in the 90's - now that was a class comic! Accident Man, The Dinner Ladies from Hell, Marshall Law, The Driver.

            Plus, my ultimate fave, Psycho Killer about a masked Dr who fights demons in South London.


              Thanks for all the replies, the Monster story may have been a 2 or 3 part story, because it's been so long, and I think actually it was a couple of issues later I found out it was the uncle.

              It was a great story but it freaked me out a bit, it wasn't the usual stuff I read in US Marvel / DC comics.

              I had been reading 2000 AD for years at the time, but that story always stuck with me.

              I'm sure the underground story was a Future Shock.

              edit-that Monster story you guys mentioned sounds great, is there any way to read that?

              Also, the reason I said it was a one-off is because during those years of my reading 2000 AD, it only appeared in a couple of issues at most.

              Unless I stopped collecting and it returned then... Although it did seem like a self contained story.

              Uncle Terry seems to ring a bell also...
              Last edited by monel; 12-05-2011, 11:04.


       might be the artist who did that comic (which also is another one thats worth checking out)

