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the microsoft you have a error scam

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    the microsoft you have a error scam

    ok well basically my dad was called by someone claiming to be microsoft ....and dad believed him and got him to install a remote access pc program

    now my dad does not remember exactly what the person did....but obviously its a scam so to be sure i am formating and reinstalling...but what i want to know is what are the chances of someone getting any personal info ? (as far as i know he did not have any bank account info on the comp) but he does use the comp to access facebook/amazon....and internet banking (which needs passwords and stuff which is not saved)
    Last edited by eastyy; 23-06-2011, 16:21.

    I think someone else on here has had a phone call like this


      yeah trouble was my dad actually followed some of there advice and installed a program (called log me in which i have used my self to access home computer from my fiances) so they can access the pc remotely


        I would have thought that if he uses the kind of internet banking provider that uses one off passwords he would be OK. If it's always the same password he needs to change it and/or contact the bank.

        He should probably change his passes to facebook and email accounts.

        Someone else should know more.

