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Calling all Ex Pats - Im bored in UK Advice req'd Please ...

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    Calling all Ex Pats - Im bored in UK Advice req'd Please ...

    Over last few months I have become bored and disheartened with Scotland and the UK in general.

    Im looking to work outisde the EU for a few years just to get away. Currently looking at Dubai just now and if I remember correctly we have a few members who live there.

    Im looking at managerial customer service/sales and possibly recruitment agency work as a last resort.

    So ex pat forumites where do you live and work, any advice you can provide.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I live and work in Vietnam as an English teacher, its interesting for a few years for sure, I dont think I could do it for a long time but its a nice change of pace for a few years. I wouldnt raise a family out here though, will be moving back to the UK or the US (where my partner is from) for that!

    If VN comes on your radar do give me a shout =)


      Do Japan for a while. Aeon needs teachers after so many left without a word following the earthquake in March. Then buy games and sell them to us for minimal profits

      Canada is boring as hell after living in Japan, I doubt the US is any better - if not worse. Everything is so damn far away.


        I came to Singapore with no qualifications, just my GCSEs. Finding and securing a job is the easy part, it's getting government approval that isn't. Luckily my S-Pass was approved through pure fluke and I can stay here now.

        My advice would be to travel around a bit first and see where you like. Then just save up a bit of cash and go. No questions. If you can find a job that's half the battle won. How old are you?

        If I wasn't here I'd be in The Netherlands by now. I don't think I'd like Dubai to be honest, doesn't seem like there's much to do there, to me at least. Anyway, never plan to live someplace you've never even been to.

        Like others I think teaching English is the best option. Just get the 2-day TEFL cert. and you're away. My mate did that with his dole money and now travels around Asia. I went to see him a few weeks back in Kanchanaburi in Thailand, that place was like somewhere out of a Monkey Island game - pure paradise. Me and the mrs stayed in a cabin house on the River Kwai for about a tenner a night, I'd have rated it 3-stars myself.

        Honestly, if I can do it anyone can. You've just got to not give a ****. Most people don't have the balls to leave home.


          Thanks for all the replies.

          I have been to singapore a few yrs ago and thought it was amazing even tho I only spent a couple days on way to hong kong.

          I have looked at the tefl thing before and its always an option. The US and Canada does not really appeal to me as Im looking to experience a totally different culture. For me thats what its all about and I can get a dose of americana any time via my TV .

          Datadave what sort fo work did you end up doing, did you obtain a work visa before you arrived. Can you give me more details please, oh and how long have you been there for ..?

          Thanks in advance guys I appreciate it !


            I work for a luxury furniture company in their marketing department. They've just opened a huge showroom in Harrods so I've been doing all the brochures/EDMs etc for that.

            Been here for nearly a year now, at first I came for five weeks and found a job elsewhere. You work temporarily on a 30 day thing until the government approve your qualifications and background. They told me to GTF which was just as well because I hated where I was working. My girlfriend in Malaysian so I could just renew my 90-day social visit pass every month when we went to visit her parents. Anyway, decided to look for an in-house job and ended up here. Luckily my pass application went through the second time stating GCSEs (5 Cs... lol) and years work experience (13) only.

            Once I hold this pass for a couple of years I can apply to become a permanent resident, and eventually a citizen if I want to do that.

            I think getting a job somewhere else in Europe would be easier as you don't need any pass.

