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The Internet Scam Thread

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    The Internet Scam Thread

    I'm sure there are older threads for this sort of thing, but couldn't find any with search.

    This evening I received this email:

    Bill and Exchange Manager

    Mr. Alfonso Zapata
    Private Email: ****

    Private Fax: ****


    I am Mr. Alfonso Zapata, a staff of Banco Ing-Direct Madrid Spain. I have a confidential business proposal to you. There is this business opportunity here in our bank; there is an abandoned sum of 8.2M (Eight million Two Hundred Thousand Euros) that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died in 2002. I decided to contact you based on the fact that you bear the same surname with the depositor.

    Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting someone to come over and claim this money which is deposited in our security deposit safe vault. The management has been searching for a relative or member of the family to notify them about this deposit. But we have not been able to trace any members of his family. Since you have the same surname with the depositor you can easily make a deal with me. This is a deal I am offering you and I want you to know that it requires only a matured mind to understand all I am saying and I believe you are matured enough which is the reason I am going further.

    I decided to intimate you on this business proposition so that you will apply as a relative to the deceased customer for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and I dont want this money to go into the Bank treasury as unclaimed funds or declared to the government of Spain which they will confiscate it.

    My colleagues and I here in the bank is the only people that has knowledge about this transaction, we agreed that 50% of this money will be for you as foreign partner while 50% would be for my colleagues and I here in the bank. There after I will visit your country for the sharing.When I receive your reply, I will give all the details of the procedure. Send me your private telephone number for easier communication.

    There are practically no risks involved, the transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law. I plead with you on one issue; keep this transaction confidential and all the information between you and me, get back to me through e-mail or my personal fax for confidentiality.

    Best Regards,
    Mr. Alfonso Zapata

    Private Email: ****

    Private Fax: ****

    I'm sure there are loads of people called Patrick Graham in Spain.

    So, Nigeria is no longer good for this kind of scam?


      €4.1m? Well if you're not gonna reply, I will!

      Somewhere in the world there's a man genuinely trying to give millions of pounds away, and every time he emails someone he never gets a serious reply.


        I watched that thing on Channel 4 the other week about the Internet dating scam where some scummer had convinced this lonely women, after building up a brief online relationship with her, that he'd been in an accident and needed money for surgery - to the tune of 12 grand.

        She fell for it, but even after finding out it was a scam she was still keeping up (what was in her eyes) a relationship with the guy because she couldn't bear to think that the whole thing had been a thin tissue of lies.

        It was made worse was that she even said she knew she had been scammed but the `relationship` basically consisted of her ringing him up and him going

        "NOT NOW, phone me back in half an hour!" as he was obviously trying to con other poor bastards and then when he did speak to her, him going off on a rant saying

        "I did not con you and anyone who says I did is a liar and evil, they don't understand our love" in the hope that she'd cough up some more dough.

        It was so crushingly sad to see her not only being scammed through being vulnerable but unable to let go of something that was a complete fantasy.




            If we can get Pat's guy to hold up a Bordersdown sign, BAM, new logo.


              Originally posted by charlesr View Post
              Oh god i forgot all about that epic thread lol, that was quality. Nothing says hardcore site than stringing along a 419 scammmer


                Just had a call from "Gareth" (heavy Indian accent) who suggested I was due ?2400 in compensation because the bank had put up the credit limit on my card without me signing an agreement for the new limit. I told him I don't really care because I make about ?2400 every 5 minutes via automated internet scam emails and that my helicopter pilot is waiting for me to get off the phone.


                  Originally posted by importaku View Post
                  Oh god i forgot all about that epic thread lol, that was quality. Nothing says hardcore site than stringing along a 419 scammmer
                  So I don't break the forum searching for this - WTF???


                    Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting someone to come over and claim this money which is deposited in our security deposit safe vault.

                    Gooooooood evening sir....

                    So obvious... couldn't resist....


                      Originally posted by koopatroopa90 View Post
                      So I don't break the forum searching for this - WTF???
                      I don't think the thread exists any more, but (who was it?) a member decided to document his attempts with 419eating

                      And managed to get some Nigerian chappie to send him the photo above to "prove" he was real.


                        Also, do not click the trophy room on their site at work

