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I'm going to be a Daddy!!!!!

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    We didnt even bother trying to breast feed Isaac

    Charlotte had a nightmare with Ellie which pretty much emotionally broke them both


      Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
      We didnt even bother trying to breast feed Isaac

      Charlotte had a nightmare with Ellie which pretty much emotionally broke them both
      Yeah I don't think we'll bother if we have another one either.
      Katie just couldn't do it & was getting really distraught so we gave up after the first week & got on the Aptamil
      Haven't looked back since

      All this Breast is Best is fine but doesn't need to be rammed down your throats by all & sundry...the Formula is just as good.



        Its funny how different midwives think depending where you have a baby

        In Portsmouth you can't give your baby anything else and its frowned upon if you even consider formula

        Hence the reason we tried and tried with Ellie and in the end Ellie was just using Charlotte as a dummy tit and Charlotte got it into her head she was failing Ellie as her mum and broke down in tears and she was in pain with cracked and sore nipples

        In Scotland you are asked and if you choose formula then that's good enough for them

        I appreciate breast milk is better but on the grand schemes of things the really good stuff found in breast milk is only at the very start when you start breast feeding (colostrum)


          Originally posted by MonkeyJuggleDX View Post
          For what reason? Being a parent is the most amazing feeling ever.
          Ignore my comment. It's a throwaway, automated response I give to everyone when they say they're going to be a parent, and is based purely on my own attitude to parenthood. I've never wanted children and my last three relationships, including my marriage to a woman who was not only stunningly beautiful but also my best friend, broke down when they wanted children and I did not.

          But that's just me. For some, children is the best thing that can happen to them. My brother's never seemed happier since having kids, furthermore he's become sillier and more patient since becoming a parent, both fine qualities, so he's a nicer person to be around because of kids too. So, yeah, ignore my comment. I mean nothing by it.


            I despise children and desperately never wanted one. Didn't wear a mac one night and got one. She is immense.


              I don't despise children. I like being around them. They're fun, curious, capable of profound wisdom, and I genuinely enjoy playing with them. It's a chance to exercise the silly, childish part of my personality. But I don't want the responsibility of raising one, I'm still working on improving myself into someone decent, and, if I'm honest, still too selfish and wrapped up in my own life.


                I like them more than I used to that's for sure and I spend more time with them than I ever did. When Selphie has her friends over that makes her immensely happy which in turn makes me happy. I am a very selfish person however and mixed with my poor general health, having a child was not overly recommended. Still it has been going really well for the past 5 years and no regrets.

                It's strange how things pan out.


                  I was married for 13 years and we tried and not even a sniff of a child

                  Now the girl I've been with for 3.5 years and we've got a boy and a girl and she has been pregnant 4 times (other was a termination and a miscarriage)

                  That's funny how things happen - too scared to touch Charlotte incase number 3 decides to make an appearance lol

                  No more kids for me, 2 younger children at 40 is hard work


                    Let's bump this thread with news of...well...a bump!!

                    Failed my driving test on November 3rd and got home to be greeted by the news that I'm going to be a daddy which cheered me up no end!

                    Spent 3 1/2 hours at the hospital today for the dating scan where bump decided to be hideously uncooperative and refused to get into the correct position for dating measurements. Eventually we got there and it was one of the most amazing moments of my entire existence seeing the foetus on the ultrasound monitor. There were tears!!

                    I've always wanted children and I can honestly say I've never been happier! Everything else has kind of been put into perspective now and my future actions and decisions are going to be informed by the little one.

                    We're looking at a late June due date.

                    I've wanted to tell somebody for a while now but my wife and I agreed to wait until after the scan. I know some of us are friends on social media (Facebook, Twitter) but I'm not going to talk about it on those just yet as there are family members we haven't told so if we can keep the back slapping and hand shakes within the thread I'd be very grateful.


                      Congratulations fella.




                          **Straight to Facebook because if it's not on there then it's not real**

                          Congrats fella and first dibs in the 3ds when you sell it for nappies

                          On another note 4 years ago at this time my partner was in labour and expecting Ellie to make an appearance and she did at 8:50 the next morning

                          Bloody 4 years man
                          Last edited by buster_broon; 22-12-2014, 22:00.


                            Big congrats to you and your missus, teddymeow.


                              Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
                              **Straight to Facebook because if it's not on there then it's not real**

                              Congrats fella and first dibs in the 3ds when you sell it for nappies!
                              May be before that. Maybe a slight case of buyer's remorse happening. We'll see.


                                Incredible. Congratulations dude, surprised you could keep it to yourself so long in all honesty.

                                Who needs video games now eh?

