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What type of GEEK are you?

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    Originally posted by Pikate View Post
    My MBP does that HDD thing. I don't get how the computer still works? And yeah I'm not keen on trackpads, I always use a Magic Mouse, I just don't have a surface in the bathroom so have to slum it with a trackpad.
    Your OS runs from the RAM so it doesn't always require the HDD. If you're using the HDD though for something there will be a pause for a little bit from whatever you're using.


      I'm not sure 'geek' even applies properly these days as people have different expectations of it. All you have to do is look in the "what do you look like thread", it's a massive split between people looking like what i'd see as the stereotypical geek, and people who look like they've never as much as seen a console. You can't easily pigeonhole most people any more.


        I always think of "geeks" as neckbeards who sit around a table playing Magic the Gathering. But some people would consider me a geek so I guess you're right there.


          Originally posted by Pikate View Post
          You're like Clarence in True Romance <3 haha I don't know a single woman who doesn't love him/that film.
          Who's Sonny Chiba?

          Slater isn't very geeky looking, though. Which kind of what links into what ikobo said. Ikobo looks like a double-hard bassa, not a geek.


            I'm an anime / J-Pop culture geek. I loves my Seiyuus and Idols (as in talent personalities rather than AV Idols). Gaming makes up about 40% of my geekiest is gaming.

            I'm a Sony bitch. TV, Blu-ray, prefer PS3 etc...

            I post here and nowhere else. I read Andriasang for import news and Eurogamer for the Lolz (how many stories can we print about Game in an hour) and that's about it.


              Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
              I'm an anime / J-Pop culture geek. I loves my Seiyuus and Idols (as in talent personalities rather than AV Idols). Gaming makes up about 40% of my geekiest is gaming.

              I'm a Sony bitch. TV, Blu-ray, prefer PS3 etc...

              I post here and nowhere else. I read Andriasang for import news and Eurogamer for the Lolz (how many stories can we print about Game in an hour) and that's about it.
              That Andriasang site is pretty good, right up my street. I'm not really into Anime/Japanese culture so much as such (mainly because I don't know anyone else who is really or have the time to indulge myself in it outside the holidays) but the designs and art style appeals to me. I take it that Ni no Kuni game on there isn't in English or getting a release in Europe? It looks spectacular!


                What the hell has this thread turned into? Apple vs IBM? Laptop trackpads? Accelerometers?

                Originally posted by Pikate View Post
                Speaking as a woman I wouldn't take that as an insult. It's probably just something they say flippantly because they feel like a bimbo around techy things and really it's just a crutch for their insecurity (i.e. I'm normal and this guy has superhuman geek-skills to fix this). I'm actually surprised "geek" has such negative connotations for you guys?
                Oh I don't take it as an insult, it's just... tired, I guess. It's not like they're not technical. They are, but in different fields. I know bugger-all about checking guests in, rooming lists and all manner of funky terms but they'll reel them off like it's nothing. Most of the time it's:

                Them: The computer won't print invoices when we check out guests.

                Me: Right, lemme see... umm, how do you check out guests?

                Them: *blank stare*

                As for negative connotations, you're right, and I expect my reaction to it is what counts. Plus I sort of see it as an opportunity to change their perceptions of what a geek is. Maybe it's because I spent the eight years prior to this job working at CeX where any label you'd care to throw at someone is instantly turned on its head whereas this is my first 'normal' job, if it can be called that.

                Luckily in their IT Crowd comparison, I'm Roy because I'm a bit more normal and actually talk to people and my boss is Moss!


                  I do now own one copy of every proper Zelda game release and have a Zelda 3DS! I guess that has some bearing on this topic.


                    Doesn't that just mean you REALLY like Zelda?

                    Look at your avatar, ffs


                      I'm starting to think the only reason Nakamura works in a bank is because the cash machines have "Link" written on them :/


                        I thought he worked in a betting shop..


                          Damn, yeah, someone works in a bank! I've mixed up my forumites... My bid to be "queen of the geeks" has failed epically


                            I want that role.


                              You can't be queen of the geeks with all that nonsense about kebabytes or whatever in the smile thread...


                                Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
                                You can't be queen of the geeks with all that nonsense about kebabytes or whatever in the smile thread...
                                I said bid? Obviously my plan is learn the ropes of the geek world, then I'm going to amass a small band of loyal followers and take on my rivals in Pokemon style battles (Teddymeow will be my Pikachu) then when my power is unquestionable I'm going to take my geek army and overthrow Charlesr in the Death Star.

