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    Originally posted by nem View Post
    Continuing from my last post (#35)

    Shoulder feels more or less fine which is great. My bench press is almost as good as it was a last summer with a much narrower grip (less stress on the shoulders -- I wish I had known this before!). On the downside I busted my left knee in March of this year and anything that involves putting a lot of weight on my left leg is out of the question. Bike riding and running is fine.

    Recent pic of me rock climbing

    Where about do you climb nem?


      Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
      Where about do you climb nem?
      Norway!! If my memory is amazing and it is the Nem who had Elmo as his avatar on the VGI forums?



        I'm in Finland. Pic was taken at Olhava.


          Originally posted by nem View Post

          I'm in Finland. Pic was taken at Olhava.
          Clicked on the link and first pic in the page is some crazy mofo free climbing. Absolutely bonkers. Probably the best for of exersize you can do though. Love indoor climbing, never been outside though, can't really justify starting all the gear from scratch that's needed.

          Looks like you've been doing it a while nem.


            Originally posted by charlesr View Post
            So.... I have "Achilles tendinopathy" (saw the doctor this morning).
            Somewhere in between acute and chronic. My "give it a few weeks rest and hope it gets better" plan did not work.

            So now I'm on to the eccentric (load during stretch phase) exercises I found here: http://www.intelligent-triathlon-tra...endinitis.html

            And I'll see a sports physio.

            Gah. Need to look after myself at my age. Learn from my foolishness people! If it hurts more than it should, see a specialist straight away.
            Sorry to hear that Charles. Have you seen a sports physio yet?

            My own training has taken a knock recently due to injury. Typically too. On both of the previous marathons I've trained for, I've picked up an Achilles strain/injury with 3 or 4 weeks to go. The first time it did pretty much clear up with 10-14 days rest, the second time much less so. I ran 18 miles a couple of Sundays back, averaging 6:53/mile & felt comfortable at the end. I trained (lightly-ish) on the Tues & Weds after that and went for a comfortable 9 mile run on the Thurs but 3 miles in and I had a pain on the top of my foot like I had tied my shoelaces up really tightly. I slowed down a bit & though it was still uncomfortable I finished the remaining 6 miles. At the end it felt fine to walk on but I thought it best to rest for a while so I didn't go out again for 7 days. Started in to a 10 mile run the next time & all was well until about the 7th mile when it flared up again but this time much more acutely. It was really tough for the next half mile or so but then it subsided a little & I made it back at a decent pace again. The pain was at the top of my foot & up the lower part of the front of my leg. Afterwards standing on it was fine & I could curl my toes downwards without flinching but if I raised my foot up towards my leg or just bent my toes back, the pain would shoot up my foot/leg again - naturally I made a point of not doing that too much then. So I've rested again & it's been another 6 days without running, but unlike the previous injuries I haven't had the pain in the days after, so I'm hoping it's just some mild bruising from overexertion of pounding pavements. I think I'll try again on Thursday. I'm conscious of wanting to get at least one 20 miler in before the real thing (Abingdon - Oct 20th) & even more so of visiting a doctor who will just tell me, "don't run"!

            edit: Congrats on your 10K time Taka.


              Thanks M0by!

              I had something similar happen to my left foot in the run up to the Bath Half Marathon earlier in the year and as part of London Marathon training. Like you, the top of my left foot felt tender and bruised, with very specific points where a firm finger press would cause pain. My physio couldn't work out what it was, possibly tendinitis or even a stress fracture. A week's rest and no running calmed it right down, just in time for the Bath Half.

              My right heel is aching a little at the moment, but I've ruled that down to wearing old casual shoes too often.

              Fingers crossed you're back to fighting form for another long run. A good buddy of mine has Abingdon set as his sub-3 marathon.


                There are other ways to enjoy a marathon rather than aiming for a PB. Run slower for the first 20 miles and then pin the last 6 for example. Immensely rewarding running past everyone like you are just doing a fresh 10k.

                I haven't seen the sports physio yet - but wife was a personal trainer, so she's been giving me some tips which seem to be helping. Went for a 5 mile jog yesterday and the main issue was sore calves from all the heel dips.


                  Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                  Clicked on the link and first pic in the page is some crazy mofo free climbing. Absolutely bonkers. Probably the best for of exersize you can do though. Love indoor climbing, never been outside though, can't really justify starting all the gear from scratch that's needed.
                  Well, you don't really need all that much especially if you climb top rope. Rope, some slings and carabiners, a belaying device (any ATC will do just fine) and a someone to go with.

                  Looks like you've been doing it a while nem.
                  Haha, I actually look like a way better climber than I really am. I don't mind, it gets the girls!


                    <rant>A bit pissed off with the Cardiff Half Marathon. Received my race pack and they've put me in the 2:10/green wave despite me putting down a time of 1:33 in my registration. Called up their office and they said they'd "see what we can do - we are very busy at the moment". They wouldn't be quite so busy if their systems got things right the first time! Entered this again after the short course in 2010 and running out of energy drinks in 2011 fiascos and we're off to a bad start already.</rant>


                      Originally posted by nem View Post
                      Well, you don't really need all that much especially if you climb top rope. Rope, some slings and carabiners, a belaying device (any ATC will do just fine) and a someone to go with.

                      Haha, I actually look like a way better climber than I really am. I don't mind, it gets the girls!
                      I've got all the basics, harness, carabiner and spare, belay device and spare, shoes, but not all the grapples and crag holder thingys for climbing on your own outside, or rope. Unfortunately there's no where round my way for climbing outside at all, nearest proper outside place is Peak District, which is 3 hours away. So I'm limited to in door for the time being.

                      On another note I beat my 5k pb wed night in 24.33. Not a good time by most peoples standards but when you take into account I'm still 16.5 stone and the last 1.5k is steep up I'm quite happy with that, been averaging around 5.10 mins per km over the last 3 weeks so deff making progress.
                      Last edited by fishbowlhead; 20-09-2013, 08:38.


                        Given that weight, it's freakin amazing.
                        Are you doing any interval training?


                          I'm considering a world record attempt I'm keeping it under my hat until nearer the time in case anyone else tries. I'll update nearer the time.


                            I timed my short run for the first time last night. 4km 16:35 mins. I got a stitch but ran through it which hurt a lot but as I was timing myself I thought I'd push through.

                            I think I can do 15 mins with some new trainers and a few more short/fast sessions.


                              That's not too far off a sub-20 5k, so good going!


                                Had a belter of a race at Parkrun this morning. Was competing against a training buddy of mine, where we both felt we were pretty evenly matched at the moment. I was ahead for the first 2 miles by 2-3 seconds, then he surged forward but I counter attacked with a surge of my own. We were eventually neck and neck for the last 400m, each one surging to try and escape the other but he managed to pip me to the finish line by less than a second. Thankfully, the timer has rounded him up so we both PBd today with 19:18.

                                According to various pacing calculators, I'm pretty much sub-40 10k and sub-90 minute half marathon shape right now. I don't have the balls to try for a sub-90 half until next spring, but I am tempted to find a flat and fast 10k somewhere to make sub-40 happen.
                                Last edited by Taka; 21-09-2013, 23:10.

