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    Good luck in Belfast, Ged. Redemption is yours!


      Thanks Taka. Fitness wise, I'm definitely not as sharp as I was 7 or 8 weeks ago but I am in considerably better shape than I was 3 or 4 ago. My main concern is that I've not ran more than 14 or 15 miles since mid March but on the plus side I banked a ton of miles before that.


        Came 3rd in the Redbull Wings for Life race today! Managed to get 42km before cramping up trying to keep David Coulthard at bay. Another 240m would have made a marathon. Rachel Atherton was pacing me while I desperately tried to catch 2nd place - I almost got him but cramped up within about 20m of him A few seconds longer and I would have had it. Crazy course. Really undulating. Almost 400m of ascent.
        Last edited by charlesr; 04-05-2015, 08:38.


          Congrats, Charles! Did you get anything for 3rd? I saw Kate Carter got first, but was that first overall or first female?

          Congrats also to Ged - 2:53 at Belfast!


            Nothing for 3rd Tom Payn won overall UK. 61km! UK course was nuts. 400m climb and descent in the first 42km. I finished 6km ahead of Kate.


              Charlesr how have your legs not given up the ghost yet the amount of miles you cover?


                They have. Today, they are totally battered.

                But to answer your question:
                I run forefoot style with is very gentle, so protects my knees.
                The more you run, the safer it gets - it's people running 10 miles a week that get injured.
                I vary my shoes and terrain so different muscles are called on to give others a chance to rest.


                  Hear what your saying. I switched to a forefoot stance after your advice and it was noticeably easier on the knees.

                  Haven't been running properly in 2 years now. Plantar fasciitis, bad shin splints and my continued degradation of my knees have put a stop to it all, for now.

                  If there's one regret I've had in life it's deffinitely dislocating both kneecaps.


                    How did you do that? Sounds nasty!


                      Plantar fasciitis, bad shin splints are from too much running on concrete as there's no large wooded areas where I am or fields big enough, well there is but its a 15 min drive.

                      Knee caps are from twisting them funny playing football, both the same way. Last few years I've really noticed them.


                        Ooh! I'm starting to believe that competitive sport that most people play (i.e. Amateurs) is bad for you. Take away the positive benefits of fitness both functional and cardio-vascular, the long term damage to joints is terrible. I know so many peopke with screwed knees from sport, arms that pop out of their sockets and in one case permanent epilepsy caused by a hockey puck to the skull. It seems so commonplace.


                          No point being a perfect corpse - you need to live along the way.

                          I can't run today - in far too much pain. Apart from that, I'm all fine


                            Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                            Plantar fasciitis.
                            I feel you on this one, mine just flared back up after 12 months or so, every time I change my shoes. Hurts like a bast too had to use a crapload of K Tape to just make it to work


                              Originally posted by ETC View Post
                              I feel you on this one, mine just flared back up after 12 months or so, every time I change my shoes. Hurts like a bast too had to use a crapload of K Tape to just make it to work
                              I thought it was heel spurs for about 5 months until i had x rays, luckily it was wasn't and just plantar fasciitis. I say lucky like its a good thing getting either, but heel spurs would have been far worse long term.

                              @gunrock. I can honestly say dislocating my knees has been the absolute worst thing pain wise ive experienced. Ive had infections that have nearly killed me, broken my nose 5 times, all my fingers, dislocated both thumbs, big toes, nothing comes close, plus the long term effects are really showing now and im only 31. Just dont do it.
                              Last edited by fishbowlhead; 07-05-2015, 07:47.


                                Sorry to hear that, fishy. My father-in-law knackered both his knees playing hockey and has had knee replacements. Now, he is 85, but the five years prior to the op and the subsequent 7 years have really diminished his quality of life. Of course, the cardio vascular benefits of playing may be the reason he's still with us, so it's hard to call.

                                @charlesr: you have a point but living with terrible pain for the last 20 years of your life must not be fun and as fishbowlhead says, he has regrets.

