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    I've started monitoring my HR in the mornings before I get out of bed - was this covered recently? Anyway, it's normally 48-50bpm. If it's 58 like yesterday, I know it's time to take it easy or have a rest day. Reasons for being high are:
    not yet recovered from previous session
    getting ill or recovering from illness

    I've found it a very helpful addition to "how do I feel?"


      ^I'm going to start doing this. Do you stand, sit, stay in bed? Take just one measurement or several?


        I just wake up and while lying down, look at the alarm clock, wait for it to change minute and start counting pulse until the next minute arrives. Or you could set a timer for 30 seconds and X2. I only do it once. Not obsessing over it. Remember to breathe lol


          I tend to wear my Mio hrm all the time anyway (easier than having to look for it when I need it!), so I can sync it to my phone and use that to check it. Really good suggestion that.


            The Withings app on iOS uses the phone's camera to measure heart rate. Pretty accurate and works in similar way to the Mio where it shones a light through your finger.


              Yeah, it's pretty cool technology. Much more convenient than a chest strap too.

              Well, I lay there this morning and since the Mio app gives you an update on your HR every second there was quite a bit of variation in the space of a minute. Lowest was 48. Highest was a very brief 60. Generally, it hovered around 50-53. Hmm...


                Just the stress of doing the test can change the HR. You need to relax. Just feel your wrist to get the pulse.


                  Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                  Just the stress of doing the test can change the HR. You need to relax. Just feel your wrist to get the pulse.
                  But, but...what about my fancy technology?!


                    Lol. What do nurses use?


                      Bah. 18:26. Useless. Was on track with the 1st downhill km at 3:13 but then just felt awful. Couldn't even match my 10k pace..... Still, can only get quicker from here. I AM ON FIRE NOW FOR TRAINING. RAAAAGE


                        Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                        Bah. 18:26. Useless. Was on track with the 1st downhill km at 3:13 but then just felt awful. Couldn't even match my 10k pace..... Still, can only get quicker from here. I AM ON FIRE NOW FOR TRAINING. RAAAAGE
                        Keep at it Charles, you've only just got back into the short distance speedy stuff, so not bad considering... (*wells up with extreme envy*)

                        I'm getting back on track after last week's illness. Did a decent threshold run Saturday, a comfy 10 miler on Sunday, and since the kids woke me up at 5:30am today I thought I'd beat the heat and get out for an early intervals sesh. Once again, I managed 5x800m at 3:59/km or quicker. The last rep was very hard (averaged 3:57/km), but it might be because I did the first one too enthusiastically (3:47/km). Again 90s rest.


                          Still itching to have a go at the intervals. Calves are sore though from the parkrun, which shows just how unprepared I was, as you rightly pointed out.

                          On the plus side, 57k last week plus a 16k bike ride, so on target for raising training time


                            Nice going, Terry!

                            I had no choice but to do my reps after work in the 28 degree temps with no cloud cover. Only managed 4x before calling it quits for fear of a major blow-out.

                            Managed with reps 2 and 4 into a 10mph headwind:

                            1) 3:01 / 3:45/km
                            2) 3:02 / 3:47/km
                            3) 2:59 / 3:44/km
                            4) 3:01 / 3:46/km

                            Happy enough and on a cooler day, defo could have blasted out 5x.


                              Wow mate, there's no way I could have managed it in this afternoon/evening's heat, so hats off. Even first thing in the morning it was pretty uncomfortable.

                              It's supposed to be a little cooler on Sunday when I'm racing 10k, but honestly I'm not aiming for or expecting anything special time-wise. Perhaps < 45. Last time I had unrealistically high expectations a week after a heavy cold, my race went totally pear shaped (Cambridge HM).


                                What's the 10k course like? The McMillan calculator reckons you could do a 41:30 based on a 19:59 5k, which I'm confident you've got in you at the moment.

                                My suggestion would be to negative split the race and aim for 43 minutes or better to factor in the heat. Tackle the first 5k at 22 minute pace (4:33/km or 7:05/mile) and then the second 5k at 21 minute pace (4:12/km or 6:46/mile). If you end up feeling better than expected, pick things up.

