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The Photography Thread 2

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    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
    New Nokia Lumia has 41MP camera. With a lens that tiny, can this possibly be of any benefit over a 10MP one?
    It's apparently the best in class camera. As Boris says though, don't think of it as an actual 41mp camera. The 41mp is just the tech they're using to get great images. At 41mp I think the image quality would be pretty poor (if you pixel peeped). Impressive strategy though.


      I suspect most photos taken with a phone camera rarely get printed at any reasonable size so oversampling makes sense for increased NR quality.

      The cameras I've seen recently that I am interested in taking a further look at are the Sony QX10 and QX100 - not sure whether these have been linked to before, I couldn't find anything in the last few pages or so. I really quite like the idea, although I do wonder whether they have a limited market appeal.


        Those Sony lenses are pretty smart, shame the expensive one is almost ?400.

        Also, they got the Zeiss branding wrong. tut tut
        It's a kinda cool alternative to have some kind of decent compact or mirror-less option
        Last edited by EvilBoris; 07-10-2013, 18:32.


          It's the same lens & sensor as on the RX100 II at ?200 less money, seems a bit of a bargain.


            They aren't just lenses though are they? They're cameras? Cameras without an LCD or (I'm assuming) a memory card.


              That's right, they are complete cameras. They use the smart phone as the screen with NFC or wifi.


                1 frame per second shooting. Hamaze!


                  Whether that's an issue or not depends on what you're shooting. For most of the stuff I shoot I'm not churning through 10 fps - if I didn't have to service the Type-R this month I'd be tempted to make a purchase.


                    Ive put the apertue up to about f11 and it seems to take forever to take a shot, is this correct?


                      It does have a cool factor and it is tiny. How much smaller than a compact zoom though? I mean in terms of would you carry this somewhere you wouldn't take a small compact?


                        Originally posted by Strider View Post
                        Ive put the apertue up to about f11 and it seems to take forever to take a shot, is this correct?
                        You mean the shutter stays open a long time?


                          Depends on what ISO you're using and the light available in the situation you're shooting in. For most macro work I'm using a flash or other lighting as DoF and exposure can be a problem at low ISO. So to answer your question, yes that would be typical.


                            Originally posted by FSW View Post
                            It does have a cool factor and it is tiny. How much smaller than a compact zoom though? I mean in terms of would you carry this somewhere you wouldn't take a small compact?
                            Probably not smaller than some of the compacts I own, I just like the idea and that would make me carry it. At the moment I'm carrying my Nikon V1 with me more often than my DSLRs because I enjoy using it.


                              Originally posted by Strider View Post
                              Ive put the apertue up to about f11 and it seems to take forever to take a shot, is this correct?
                              if you are shooting on Aperture priority then the camera will be using a longer shutter speed to compensate for the reduction in light entering.

                              You could try increasing the ISO to compensate for that


                                Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                                Probably not smaller than some of the compacts I own, I just like the idea and that would make me carry it. At the moment I'm carrying my Nikon V1 with me more often than my DSLRs because I enjoy using it.
                                Indeed. Best camera in the world is the one you have on you. I carry a gf3 with a 14mm on it around. It's a crap camera really but it fits in a medium ish pocket!

