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The Photography Thread 2

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    Thanks guys, A did a little bit of that Ortan Effect that Marty linked to in a couple of those.


      Aye, some nice shots there EB - the Orton Effect can give a nice look, but as I mentioned and like HDR, subtle is usually better.


        yeah, I had a little play and combined it with some tilt shift type blurs rather than full gaussian blurs, to help target it a little more and keep more detail on certain bits.

        Subtle HDR! Like this one


          Nice pics chaps.

          Took these last Saturday, the UAE Air Force MRTT was a nice bonus;


            Just got a new image procuring device from Wex Photographic for cheapness - these can be hacked to do video recording they weren't supposed to.

            Last edited by MartyG; 25-07-2014, 07:52.


              Damn, think I've blown the highlights ...

              Seems you can't dial in any flash exposure compensation on the GF2 so it's always at full power.


                Nice get! I have a gf3. Handy to just put in a fleece pocket with a 14mm on there. Shame about the flash exp comp; gf3 lacks it too.


                  Yeah, it's a nice little camera, cost me ?60. I've been buying up different adapters for the Micro 4/3; I found a pancake lens in my kit bag I didn't know I had (and have never used) for a Praktica bayonet mount 50mm f2.4 it's quite dinky - seems there are quite a few Praktica B lenses several of which are from Ziess.

                  I also picked up a Pentax 110 24mm f2.8 lens. These don't have an aperture ring so are fixed at f2.8 (that was in the 110 body itself). Then there are the M42 lenses I've gotten and the CCTV C Mount. Few of these are optically mega which is why you can pick them up for peanuts, but still fun to play with.
                  Last edited by MartyG; 15-05-2014, 05:33.


                    Cool. I only have an fd adapter for mine along with a 50mm canon. Got a gh1 for when I can be arsed to lug a bit more kit about. Great system m4/3 for experimenting


                      Yes it does - I keep looking at the FD lenses trying to pick up a bargain f1.4 50mm, but they seem to creep up above my bargain line towards the auction end.

                      Tempted to pick one of these up which uses the Leica M39 mount: - it would be a 270mm on the M4/3rds mind.

                      Edit - and speaking of adapters, this just turned up in the post:

                      Last edited by MartyG; 25-07-2014, 07:53.


                        The GF2 is fun to play with - like the compactness of the camera and is working well with the Super Paragon PMC II f2.8 28mm M42 lens I've got on it at the mo.

                        This is from the Pentacon M42 50mm f1.8

                        I've hacked the firmware with the video upgrade too, although I'm not so much in to that side of things.

                        Yes it is as ridiculous as it looks and no it doesn't produce good results - 500mm (so 1000mm on the GF2) maximum aperture f8 and no contrast.

                        Last edited by MartyG; 25-07-2014, 07:53.


                          Hmm - this lens ended up being far tinier than I expected. ?1 coin for reference, it's from the Pentax 110 camera with interchangeable lenses. Still waiting for an adapter.

                          Last edited by MartyG; 25-07-2014, 07:54.


                            Bloody hell, that is small. I like the two dandelion shots BTW.


                              I've been going a bit mad with the dandelion shots but they're the easiest/closest thing to test these different adapters on. I got the Praktica B mount to 4/3rds adapter for the lenses with the Pentax 110 above today. These are from the 50mm f1.8. The pancake f2.4 50mm isn't so sharp and the f1.8 isn't as sharp as the M42 version.

                              Last edited by MartyG; 20-05-2014, 20:07.


                                Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                                I've been going a bit mad with the dandelion shots but they're the easiest/closest thing to test these different adapters on. I got the Praktica B mount to 4/3rds adapter for the lenses with the Pentax 110 above today. This is from the 50mm f1.8. The pancake f2.4 50mm isn't so sharp and the f1.8 isn't as sharp as the M42 version.

                                You get use the oddest combos I've ever heard of with your cameras, adapters and lenses I never knew existed, but you get some cracking results, so as you were

