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The Photography Thread 2

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    A few shots I took last week down in Huis Ten Bosch.

    Huis Ten Bosch - street Fighter by Yakum01975, on Flickr

    Huis Ten Bosch - Night Tower 2 by Yakum01975, on Flickr

    Huis Ten Bosch - Night Tower by Yakum01975, on Flickr
    Last edited by Yakumo; 03-09-2014, 01:20.


      Nice street fighter action

      I went to see the Lancaster Bomber flypast, but they turned up early and I had no chance to set the camera up properly, so the shots didn't turn out too well. Still, at least I got a shot rather than no shot.

      Exposed for the sky though and not stopped down enough, I've had to pull the shadows up in the raw file, but there's too much detail loss really. Ah well.


        The only non-snapshot photo I took when I went to the US with my daughter. Beach at Pensacola:
        Last edited by Brad; 25-08-2014, 08:48.


          Was it far away?


            Bloody Flickr defaults! lol.


              That's better. I like that one, nice calming colours.


                Went for a walk yesterday and took a bunch of shots, was having a play around with different styles of processing.
                All of these pictures were taken in the same place with about the same lighting

                IMG_7385.jpg by EvilBoris, on Flickr

                IMG_7378.jpg by EvilBoris, on Flickr
                IMG_7367.jpg by EvilBoris, on Flickr
                IMG_7360.jpg by EvilBoris, on Flickr
                IMG_7357.jpg by EvilBoris, on Flickr


                  Google have just released their photo sphere app that debuted on the nexus onto ios, will be interesting to see what people come up with now its available everywhere.


                    Like the warmer colours of the 2nd shot EB - shooting in the middle of a forest is a pain, quite surprising how much light you lose.

                    Couple from the car show at the weekend

                    And what's that? ...

                    Last edited by MartyG; 27-08-2014, 18:51.


                      Amateur Photographer's forum comp this month is "The World Under Moonlight - Photography in the night-time", which this shot is but it's a composite shot. Should I use it dilemma? Composite shots have placed before but it feels a bit cheaty, but there's no way you'd actually be able to get this shot in reality in the UK.



                        YOU SICK ****!


                          Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post

                          YOU SICK ****!
                          The two shots were also taken with a compact system camera and a bridge camera, so not even *real* cameras.


                            Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                            there's no way you'd actually be able to get this shot in reality in the UK.

                            Why couldn't you get this shot in the UK?


                              Because the moon would never be in that position.


                                Ok you've lost me. What do you mean by 'that position'?

