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The Photography Thread 2

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    It would never be at that point in the sky.


      That low and that large, that moon will have had to be zoomed/cropped to be that large


        Or just taken with a long lens (that's at about 1600mm) - but yes EB is correct and that's why you'll only get it with a composite. It might be possible nearer the equator although the difference isn't that big.

        See that crescent in the bottom third near the middle - that's the actual moon.

        But it only looks this size with a long lens

        Last edited by MartyG; 28-08-2014, 15:08.


          Ah ok, so you're saying that it would never be at that point in the sky in relation to that particular tree that you photographed at that particular angle?


            If you ever see the moon that size in the sky you probably want to get your affairs in order


              But if you stood a long way away from the tree and had a really long lens then the lens would magnify the tree and the moon by the same amount so you could get an image similar to yours without compositing.

              P.S. I like the photo!


                No you wouldn't because the relative sizes would never be correct.


                  Doesn't matter what their relative sizes are, the lens will magnify everything it sees by the same amount.


                    Of course it matters - the moon would need to be the correct ratio to the tree and it never will be, nor will the moon ever be in the right place on the horizon.

                    You're welcome to go and try and take said photo though


                      Walk back away from the tree until the size of the tree is as you want it in relation to the moon. Zoom in.


                        Originally posted by Brad View Post
                        Doesn't matter what their relative sizes are, the lens will magnify everything it sees by the same amount.
                        You may be able to take something like that in Africa or Equador on a super clear night at sunset, but still wouldn't be that big, as Marty explained.


                          Brad has been playing too much Majora's Mask.


                            Post up the pic when you get it.


                              You can make the moon appear as big as you like in relation to any other earth based object from anywhere on the planet, as I explained, and the length of zoom lens isn't even important except for quality purposes (i.e. you'd have to blow up the image more for shorter length lenses).

                              I can't believe I'm the only one here who understands this.


                                How will you be shooting upwards in to the tree when you are stood far away?

