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The Photography Thread 2

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    Ah now you're talking about something else. I thought you were saying you couldn't make the tree look that large in relation to the moon. To answer your question though the tree would need to be on top of a hill and you would back down the hill.


      It still won't work because your angle of view from the required lens will not give you the perspective you need to get this shot - long lenses compress perspective so everything would look flat, wide angle lenses give you depth and expand perspective which is why generally you don't want to use them for portraits. You *might* get a similar looking shot moving away but you won't get this without a composite given one is with a 26mm and the other with a 1600mm.

      Getting back to my original question - should I use it in a comp?
      Last edited by MartyG; 28-08-2014, 15:55.


        Angle of view? Your lens would be pointed at the tree with the moon behind it, just from further away. I guess I'm not understanding something here.


          How lenses work it would seem


            I know how lenses work. Look, this man appears to be as large as the moon:

            Imagine replacing that man with a tree and you have your image.


              No you don't because the man is about a tenth of the size of the tree - you would not be able to get the same angle of view the wide angle lens provided for the tree AND get the magnification required to put the moon and tree at the required perspective.

              But as I said - go and take the shot and post it up here


                Ahhh I see what you're saying now. How that tree appears in the shot due to the wide angle of the lens you used. I concede that the characteristics of the tree shot would be lost. I thought you were saying you simply couldn't make the tree look that large in relation to the moon.

                Glad we cleared that up.


                  Certainly you can play with perspective and make big things small and small things big as Father Ted Season 1 proved. Perhaps I just didn't explain myself very clearly.

                  The alternative photo is this one, but it's not as nice looking and the noise police will hate it.


                    Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                    Nice street fighter action

                    I went to see the Lancaster Bomber flypast, but they turned up early and I had no chance to set the camera up properly, so the shots didn't turn out too well. Still, at least I got a shot rather than no shot.

                    Exposed for the sky though and not stopped down enough, I've had to pull the shadows up in the raw file, but there's too much detail loss really. Ah well.
                    Nice shots. Was this from the Dawlish Airshow?

                    If so I was there! It not...then I wasn't!


                      Shutter speed way too high and exposed for the sky - these shots could be loads better Pete, but thanks for the compliment

                      They were taken from here: just as I got parked up to see them on their single fly past at the Stamford Car Show 2014. They were early.


                        Not sure I'm massively liking the Pentax Q, it's quite slow to focus which is a bit annoying and the Raw+ mode doesn't actually seem to save the Raw + Jpg :/ Lots of fun toy filter modes on it, but I think the Samsung Galaxy SIII camera did a better job on my photo walk yesterday


                          Love those Lancaster pics.

                          One flew over our house this morning. Amazing sight/sound


                            Yeah they sound great, 4 x V12 Merlins They are the only two airworthy planes flying now but they should be around for quite a while longer.


                              Went to Burghley House today with the 10-24mm Nikkor - fun lens but can be hard work because of the extreme wide


