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Little things that bring a smile to your face 2. (The sequel)

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    No, it's lovely. Look at the graphics! LOVELY!

    Escaped monkey goes shopping in coat



      Originally posted by ikobo View Post
      That's the great thing though mate, the wee man probably doesn't realise it is retro, all he can see is that they're great games. It's brilliant that he can be free of worrying about labels and just make decisions based on gameplay.
      He know's its retro, he always asks lots of questions about my retro stuff, its like you said its the gameplay he loves, he did actually comment on PC Kid's graphics, he loves the cartoon style, in particular when he eats some meat and goes on a rampage!

      I had to kick him up the arse this morning because he was playing super mario world on his snes when he should have been getting ready for school I did finish the level for him though while he got dressed

      Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
      He's a lucky guy. I sometimes wish I could hit a reset switch and forget all about modern gaming. Experience NES games like they were brand new. I'm of the belief that playing The Legend of Zelda for the first time in its day is many more times exciting than todays games in the equivalent genre.
      I recently got rid of my PS3 and Wii leaving me with just my SNES/MD/PCE i'm free!

      Every new PC-Engine title I get gives me that brand new experience having never had one as a kid... now that brings a smile to my face also!


        It must be such a good feeling, like showing your child some old music and finding they really like it.

        My little bro got weirded out when I got a SNES but after a while he was hooked as well. These days he'll sometimes walk past and ask why I'm playing Sonic or SoR2 on my 360 instead of CoD or whatever but that's always followed by him sitting down and watching me play

        My smile:

        After a rough few weeks with gf getting frustrated at the long distance, she messaged me to say she's booked her flight here. Arriving Wednesday and staying until end of Dec. Add that to the ALT company I had an interview with last Thursday telling me this morning that I passed and that I have my second interview tomorrow morning to decide where I'll teach, etc, basically the job offer interview.

        Finally, in the spirit of good things coming in threes, this gem popped up on the radio:


          This is a real game that exists in this reality. Lol!!


            Not much compared to Charles etc, but I can run a mile now without stopping or being out of breath, which means I'm as fit or fitter than I was when I was at college nearly ten years ago. If only I had as much hair as ten years ago...


              That's still wicked!

              I can't run for shizzle but I started walking the 2 miles to work in the Summer. It took 40 mins and now it takes 35. Plus I now love walking in the cold and can't wait for it to snow. One day I'll progress to jogging but a few weeks back I beat my cousin at squash for the first time despite not playing for 6 months(and being rubbish to begin with anyway) so it's doing good. Plus I've lost just under 3" of belly and had to get smaller jeans(I'm on 34" which is still a bit loose and needs a belt, was 36". 32" is too tight though and squashes my nuts).

              You guys are inspirations, especially FSW with that awesome advert. BLACK ARMS! Sounds like frost bite if you wear a tshirt in the freezing cold.


                Just been for my release medical and the doctor is agreeing with me leaving the service in Feb

                Weird that I'm so happy to be unemployed for the first time in my adult life ha!


                  ...secret service?


                    "unemployed" >> black ops.

                    Sorry if I just blew your cover.

                    Excellent work Noobish. I'm guessing you had to work harder than me to do it


                      billy: That's one of the tracks on my christmas playlist:

                      All Alone on Christmas
                      Lonely this Christmas
                      Please come home for Christmas
                      Last Christmas
                      All I want for Christmas is you

                      Yes, yes. The theme is Christmas...

                      And this is my favourite track from JAM Project of recent years:



                          New Plinkett review makes me smile


                            I found it slightly underwhelming, not as in-depth or long as the previous ones. Did make see Titanic again for the first time in many years though, which - despite its simple characters - is a very fun movie.


                              Yeah not as good as some of the previous ones, but it's been a long time since we've had anything. I can't stand Titanic, I can't get over the horrible cringeworthy dialogue and massively on-the-nose stereotypes.

                              Supposedly there'll be another review coming out relatively quickly? He said he was working on two at the same time...


                                Just had my second ALT interview. I had to sing a children's song. I was so embarrassed but managed a quick Humpty Dumpty (that's not innuendo).

