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Little things that bring a smile to your face 2. (The sequel)

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    Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
    I don't recall anyone taking a shot at Cambridge here all I see is you basically saying that Cambridge is the best of all and every other University is **** and people with degrees from other establishments are inferior.
    This is the last I'll say on the matter since apparantly you know more about the Cambridge expectations and work than someone who attended, so I won't debate your other points. Sequence of events:

    1. Person A said they got into Cambridge.
    2. Person B said they should re-think it as it would hurt their career prospects.
    3. I replied with information based on the experience of people I'd known. In hindsight I just bloody well wish I'd done this in a PM but I thought there might be others out there reading it who this advice might also affect.
    4. Some of what I said was called into question, which I defended. Along the road I let slip I had attended.

    Nowhere did I say that "all other universities are ****", all I said was that there had been a rise in poor quality institutions like polytechnics. Nowhere did I criticise places like Oxford, Warwick, York, Imperial, LCSE, Southampton, etc. Nowhere did I say Cambridge was the best in the world.


      Originally posted by Loftgroover View Post
      My grandad was in Africa during WWII, escaped unscathed from the battle of Galaza....and his ship home was sunk. Barely a bruise.
      3 days after being home he fell off a ladder cleaning windows and lost his left leg!
      er... Hilarious?


        Originally posted by Duncan James Waugh View Post
        This is the last I'll say on the matter since apparantly you know more about the Cambridge expectations and work than someone who attended, so I won't debate your other points. Sequence of events:

        1. Person A said they got into Cambridge.
        2. Person B said they should re-think it as it would hurt their career prospects.
        3. I replied with information based on the experience of people I'd known. In hindsight I just bloody well wish I'd done this in a PM but I thought there might be others out there reading it who this advice might also affect.
        4. Some of what I said was called into question, which I defended. Along the road I let slip I had attended.

        Nowhere did I say that "all other universities are ****", all I said was that there had been a rise in poor quality institutions like polytechnics. Nowhere did I criticise places like Oxford, Warwick, York, Imperial, LCSE, Southampton, etc. Nowhere did I say Cambridge was the best in the world.

        I have no problem with your comments its good that you had such a positive time at University. I take issue with the misinformation you are spouting to a young lad that will cost ?30K for him to pursue.

        FYI - Person A got a "conditional offer" he is not in (yet). You can't even get that right.

        Again hyperbole. league tables don't lie. I'm quite sure many of these so called "poor quality institutions" have better scores than old establishments not counting courses that don't exist in the old education world such a Media based etc.

        I know more about University expectations. Probably. I'm not getting in to it why but I would say I'm qualified to have an opinion on what is expected yes. I am quite happy to explain why via PM if you must know.

        You also won't debate my other points because they are not points they are fact.

        Simple breakdown for me I would trust a polytechnic trained teacher that studied in Education than someone with a red brick establishment degree in History of art it shows they knew what they wanted to do.

        I am happy to leave it at that. I apologise if I have offended you or you feel I am being personal but that us not my intention. I just think it is valuable for people to have the facts right.


          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
          er... Hilarious?
          He always laughed about the daftness of it...but he was a little mad by the time us grand kids were around and laughed about most things


            Originally posted by Duncan James Waugh View Post

            Why can't someone defend the slagging off of a university and criticise some terrible advice .
            Sorry ikobo, i have to repond to this;

            Is the second part of your comment aimed at me? If so you are coming across as very arrogant and out of touch with what most graduates face finding a job nowadays. I have helped 100s of people find jobs, including preparing many graduates to gain sucessful employment in a variety of sectors including management, finance, HR, Accounting , community work, social work, nursing etc etc.

            There was never any critism of the institute at any time, all i merely said was to choose the degree carefully and dont neglect the building of skills, to a young man about to embark (if hes is accepted) on educational journey.
            Last edited by dvdx2; 10-01-2013, 20:00.


              At the rate we're going we may as well pm everything


                I rather wish I hadn't posted that info in the first place - I never intended to be the source of arguments between others. But I would say that none of the advice given has been "terrible". Even if I disagree with it, counter-arguments are always useful for understanding a situation more and through the eyes of others.

                I can say though that I'm almost certainly not going to change my mind about degree choice or institution - and I will work hard to meet the offer requirements given to me. Just as an FYI Durham is my second choice option as their offer to me was overall about a grade lower in each higher subject, and I'd be quite happy to attend there too.


                  Seriously, start another thread. There's obviously a lot to be said on the subject and a lot of strong opinion, but this thread has now been derailed for pages and pages with the discussion.


                    Tea, Frasier, Selphie at school, wife in bed.

                    Peace and quiet.


                      Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                      Selphie at school.
                      We've had enough of the education thing.


                        School of gaming.


                          Nonsense at work.


                            Third English lesson this week, about desert survival. Watched a five minute clip of Ray Mears in the Sahara. Fun


                              I was watching Ray Mears the other day. Arctic survival is way more interesting (and relevant to you when you move to Japan).


                                COLLECTION COMPLETE

