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Little things that bring a smile to your face 2. (The sequel)

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    Finding a bar that does really good $4 Mai Tais.


      downloaded my biggest game from PSN though the night and its already finished

      14GB only took 12 hours - yeah (Mass effect 3)



        Just had to phone my GP, speaking to the receptionist I stifled a laugh as she said "we're finding a replacement for your nicotine and acid". Either she mis-read 'nicotinic acid' or I am going to get the best prescription ever.


          Originally posted by fuse View Post
          Just had to phone my GP, speaking to the receptionist I stifled a laugh as she said "we're finding a replacement for your nicotine and acid". Either she mis-read 'nicotinic acid' or I am going to get the best prescription ever.
          this totally tickled me !


            Due to a massive change this last week, I will now be moving out of London in ten days.

            TEN. DAYS.


              Some of the faces my daughter just randomly pulls.

              I'll be holding and and talking, then her expression will change. The thing is, we can be discussing names and it's her comedic timing, either smiling at the choice or looking disgusted.


                trying to watch a film on my laptop, i decided i'd try and output it through hdmi to my big telly for maximum enjoyment and so i don't burn a hole through my leg, and after much fiddling around managed it ok, then i remembered i have an app on my phone which allows me to control my laptop remotely with my phone, so touchpad controls on one screen, a little icon to flip to keyboard. so i can sit back in the comfort of my recliner with a brew and control it all from my phone, it's brilliant

                there is some minor drawbacks though, i'd have typed all this in a quarter of the time on a proper keyboard, and the display is stretched slightly too much so the borders are slightly off my screen on the tv, so i wouldn't have this setup all the time, but for watching a film it's good. speaking of which, time to make said brew and start the film!


                  Agreed. I use hippo lite. I love it. No need to leave a wireless keyboard hanging around.


                    Having my first surf lesson tomorrow and the water is warm!


                      The TV is on, a film starts and it sounds familiar but I pay it no mind. After a talking scene suddenly I hear heavy drums, 80 synths, Japanese flute, saxophone and then the classic steel drums kick in.

                      Commando is on!

                      'Excuse my friend, he is dead tired!'


                        I'm sat here telling myself I'm not going to watch it and just go to bed.

                        I'm NOT!

                        BENNETT BENNETT LET DA GIRL GO!


                          Catching my first wave. 1.5m and 100foot travel. Top fun




