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Lifescout badges

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    Lifescout badges

    Not sure if anyone here will be interested, but you know, a lot of people round here like to collect things so...

    It's an idea that was invented by a youtuber that I like to watch. Basically it's like boy scout badges, but you don't have to be 10 years old or a paedo to take part. They're badges for life experiences, like seeing the Mona Lisa, learning the guitar, speaking French, seeing various landmarks etc. You're supposed to 'reblog' (whatever that means) the badges that you have, but I don't give a crap about any of that. The part I like is the actual badges, which look pretty nice. I haven't got any just yet (although there are a few I could justify getting). Next week I'm doing CPR training, so I'll be getting the recently released CPR badge afterwards (it actually came out the day my training was scheduled, but the class was cancelled because of the sodding snow). There's a new badge released every day at the moment, so I'm looking forward to some I can 'earn' soon (and for little money lol).

    Badges (go to the store to see photos of the actual badges) -

    Original youtube video explaining it all -

    I think the more people get involved (especially people I actually 'know'), the more fun it will be, so I just wanted to post it here.

    I quite like this idea, I know a little French how much do I need to earn the badge? I already know CPR so 1-UP


      It's up to you to decide if you've 'earned' a particular badge. I have A Level French, but I can't even string a sentence together anymore, so I'm not getting that badge yet. Maybe I'll brush up on it and head over there, pick up a few badges at once


        Ahh, I can view the video now. I might take this up, just deleted my Tumblr but might buy the Badges, I really like that guy haha he dresses like a mentally unwell person.


          I just ordered the fencing badge, since I did it when I was younger, and I doubt I will ever take it up again (to earn it 'more'). They were some good days though. Spent a lot of the classes trading Pokemon with the other kids Did one tournament and got destroyed by a bunch of public school boys who were born with epees in their hands. Got a bit dejected and kind of gave up on it soon after. Nice couple of years though.
          Last edited by noobish hat; 10-02-2013, 23:40.


            Thats a cool idea but the way he speaks and the editing reminds me too much of Russell Brand.


              Do they have a "Bazooka'd a cow" badge?
              Kept you waiting, huh?


                Not yet. Next month's badges will apparently be animal themed, so fingers crossed.


                  That is some suave-mother****ing-invincible-Laurence-Roderick-Llewelyn-Bowen mane you've got going on there Tilley.
                  Last edited by J0e Musashi; 23-01-2013, 20:28.
                  Kept you waiting, huh?


                    Ridge Racer 7 Badge


                      That's all gone now, like, for good. I sometimes forget that up until the age of about 14 everyone assumed I was a girl. That can't have had no effect on me.


                        Not of the slightest interest to me from a getting involved point of view, but I think it's an idea that could potentially make him a large amount of money if it caught on. Which I think it could, despite the video guy being annoying as all hell.


                          You look like some kind of paid killer in your fb profile pic now meng. You've seen L?on right?
                          Kept you waiting, huh?




                              People do things to collect badges/get badges to confirm they did something? Really? No offense, but sometimes I think the world has gone mad. Then I read stuff like this and know it has. Shouldn't experiences be sought for that reason alone - the experience? We don't need badges, or medals or photos to affirm or certify the experience.

