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    Isn't porn censored in Japan anyway? As in, you can get it, but the naughty bits are pixelated.


      The sexism argument is interesting. I get the odd wolf whistle passing a building site and offensive/rapey comments on a night-out etc but then alot of women (myself included I suppose) are equally guilty of taking advantage of some men's repressed attitudes to get free drinks/goods/manual labour that I doubt men would do for other men or your average woman would do for a man. Ditto I'm not sure I want it to be as socially acceptable for a man to hit me as it is for me to hit him or for him to punch another man. I think a lot of women would fall down at that argument because I know a lot of girls who slap guys in the heat of the moment but would be outraged if they were hit back.

      As for porn, my experience is people are just making it themselves and sexting pictures etc... It's probably closing the door after the horse has bolted trying to ban it anywhere now.
      Last edited by Pikate; 13-03-2013, 14:00.


        Making porn illegal would just open the doors wide open to criminals to profit from it (see drug trade or sex trade) and I'm pretty sure that would only exponentially increase problems like human trafficking etc. We can look at history and see how well things like prohibition worked.


          Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
          Isn't porn censored in Japan anyway? As in, you can get it, but the naughty bits are pixelated.
          Yeah. Uncensorede porn is illegal in Japan.


            And yet it exists!


              Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
              And yet it exists!
              Yeah, but not in shops. Y'know; "normal channels".


                Ditto I'm not sure I want it to be as socially acceptable for a man to hit me as it is for me to hit him or for him to punch another man. I think a lot of women would fall down at that argument because I know a lot of girls who slap guys in the heat of the moment but would be outraged if they were hit back
                Yeah, that's what I'm getting at, and it's what feminism fails to address - in spite of its claims for wanting equality.

       Surprising Angle on AbuseHow would you react to abuse when the aggressor is a woman, her victim a man. Make:

                On the subject of actual violence, I hear a lot of men perpetuate sexism on themselves (us) with comments like "I would never hit a girl!". That's nice, but the aftertaste is that they would be fine hitting someone of their own sex. How about just not hitting anyone?

                As far as I'm aware (I'm too lazy to find the stats), the biggest at-risk group for violence is actually men. Men are much more likely to be assaulted or killed - by other men. Gender BS (that includes feminism) blinds us to those realities.
                Last edited by Lyris; 13-03-2013, 18:39.

