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The Relationship Thread II: Lost in that Last Goodbye

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    Stabbed? Are Canadian women all mental, Kryss?


      They seem to when Kryss is around them.


        Wtf happened then, Bradley? Did you leave her with a face that looks like a wallpaperer's radio?


          ...boring and playing "mike and the mechanics" on repeat?


            Oh I forgot to report back. All great. Seeing her again this weekend.

            Some of you seem to be confusing going on a date with making a porno lol.


              Things have changed in 16 years man. You've missed out. Everything's speed-based now. You should've rattled her by now, and started moving your stuff into her house.


                If you havent pumped her by date number 3 then you aint going to, "try before you buy" women are ruthless nowadays.

                Oh and prinny a wallpapers radio creased me, I could not stop laughing at that.

                Im gonna tell the missus we are decorating this weekend.


                  On the way home from my first meeting with my gf's dad.

                  First shabu shabu at a place in Ginza he takes his clients when he wants to impress them, then tea at the Imperial Hotel. The Imperial Hotel.

                  He's strict but also a nice guy so I got a bit worried in the beginning that maybe he's just being nice because he doesn't think I'll last long but later on conversation centred on things like us living together. When she went to the rest room he asked me what I like about her. I told him some stuff and said I can't really explain but that the decision to leave my family, friends and decent enough job to come to Japan and start from zero for her sake took all of one second. I wanted to say more but she came back.

                  One of his clients is in my building so I gave him my business card and said let's meet for coffee soon. Then I can talk properly.

                  He's invited me to their family get-together this weekend(I strategically planned this meeting now so that he'd invite me) and is already planning a sushi evening at his favorite place(not conveyor belt sushi. A proper place where you're assigned your own chef).

                  And, after we talked about how it's difficult to find shirts that fit my long arms he said his next present for me will be some tailored shirts

                  Hilarious bit was before we met him. We were in mcdonalds and some nice old ladies were talking to us. We told them I'm meeting her dad. They asked how old he is and then said wow that'll be difficult and wished me luck! Guess I was lucky


                    Haha been there. Had to explain how I knocked an old mans daughter up over here. I was absolutely bricking it but I turned on my blond and blue charms and won them over.


                      Some shots from my other half's visit to London recently: .

                      Next time I'm in the US, apparently her folks want to meet me. Oh dear. They're not the greatest of people from what Lauren has told me, so this is going to be interesting...
                      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                        Spider nightmares for me, then.

                        Lovely photos, though


                          A question to fellow short guys.
                          Ok, I'm 5ft 4" and recently got talking to a girl, as she contacted me first via the modern day judgemental scourge that is internet dating sites, and right off the bat I mentioned that I am shorter than her (5 ft 10") but she said it's no problem.
                          We get along great (I hope) and she is quite keen and wants to meet me, as my only hangup is the height issue.

                          How many of you guys dated taller girls than yourselves?
                          Am I making it more of an issue than it is?


                            i am 5 ft 7 i dated a girl who was 6ft 3 height was never a issue for me but for a lot of girls it seemed to be if the girl is ok about it thats great


                              Do what Kim Jong-il did and wear special boots with massive soles.

                              Seriously, if it's not a problem for her, it shouldn't be for you.


                                Originally posted by sj33 View Post
                                Do what Kim Jong-il did and wear special boots with massive soles.
                                Just don't wear the dodgy flares too.

