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The Relationship Thread II: Lost in that Last Goodbye

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    Yup been there myself hence the worry.

    It's been a bit difficult to arrange a meet and we keep chatting so completely vulnerable to what you've said. I'm keeping a level head and not getting emotionally attached but it can be difficult but then past experiences come in and it helps. It seems he's a lot more invested than me at this point and that's kinda what worries me most.


      Yeah man, I hear you completely. May I ask why it's been so hard to meet? Usually when people faff about with meeting me, alarm bells go off.


        It's Ramadan at the moment and I've asked that we meet after as I'm fasting. I find it incredibly awkward to meet people over drinks or whatever when I'm fasting. Plus this year my dad and brother are away and it's just me and mum so I'm trying to not leave her alone too much during this time.


          I can see how that would be odd for you. Can't you meet her after the sun sets?


            That might be quite nice to find a rooftop restaurant, watch the sun go down then have something to eat together.


              I think he has to pray during sunset, but otherwise a cute idea.


                Ah, sorry.

                Doesn't it finish on Monday 28th? You could arrange to meet from Tuesday onwards?


                  I went dinner with a friend once during Ramadan and we just arranged it near the time for breaking fast(8pm), problem solved.

                  But if I was fasting now, considering the days in London are 15 hours long, my ravenous hunger would make me useless as a date

                  Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                  That might be quite nice to find a rooftop restaurant, watch the sun go down then have something to eat together.
                  LOL you think it'll be romantic but Shaffy'll be counting the seconds, believe me
                  Last edited by randombs; 25-07-2014, 08:29.


                    It would be nice, yes and I've done similar with my ex in the past but this time mum's alone at home breaking her fast which is kinda supposed to be family time.

                    And yeah, we've arranged to meet Wednesday.


                      Let us know how it goes matey. Good luck.


                        Well, we ended up meeting today and it was great


                          Woo hoo!


                            nice one!


                              and great again! somehow ended up in Ikea looking at furniture today...

                              It occurs to me I don't know what I'm actually doing. Why can't it all just develop in 30-45 minutes like in the movies? Cheesy but I'm actually smiling again...
                              Last edited by shaffy_oppa; 31-07-2014, 18:08.


                                It must be love if you're smiling after a trip to IKEA. Detest that place with a passion.

