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The Relationship Thread II: Lost in that Last Goodbye

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    A female version of FaMMydoDd?



      Surely that should be FaNNydoDd?


        Machine gun jubblies?
        Lie with passion and be forever damned...


          Originally posted by MonkeyJuggleDX View Post
          Not sounding big headed or anything, but apart from her in have 4 other women who want me. She's the logical choice. She's me but in a female form.
          Do you look like a greek statue or something?

          Remember prinny saying you looked like greek yogurt.


            I love this thread


              Mayhem, man, sorry to hear about your breakup. Is that why you're clearing the game collection down? Weren't you living in the US? Or am I confusing you with Paulos?


                Confusing me with Paulos I think heh, I live in the UK. I'd been thinking about thinning the collection down for a while, pre-breakup, but one of her parting remarks was about how I could just "wallow in my collection instead" because I decided I couldn't move to be with her (yes, it was a slight distance thing). There were far more pressing reasons I chose to make the decision over of the balls ache of packing all my stuff up (games collection, comics, artwork, and more) and shifting that endless miles. It was several entries down the list. But it's a vague incentive. I'm sure most women would take a few steps back if they saw that room in person heh.

                She and I were so much alike, so in tune with each other, that had we been closer physically, there's no doubt it would have been until the end of our days :|

                But look at it this way. I have a good career and job, prospects, I co-own a property so I'm on the ladder, invest in and have private pensions, have some savings left (to be bolstered and invested after this games sell off), no emotional baggage (until now), parents that my previous girlfriends want to adopt as their own, a brother I get on with well enough to live with, and a few close friends I see every so often.

                By comparison, she is in a job she doesn't really like because she was forced out of her chosen profession (music teacher) due to a downturn in the economy, she rents, barely pays the bills each month, no pension, no savings, a sister she argues with constantly, and parents who are manipulative, guilt-tripping, mentally abusive bigots. Whom I met once and managed to escape with my dignity intact.

                Who does it look like has more to lose if they move, or who has the better chance of improving their situation by moving? But in the end, she bottled it, and decided because her parents were in a few troubles, she couldn't leave them to fend for themselves. I'd seen what they'd done to her. I'd experienced her tears, her anger, her despair about how they treat her, and every time I had got her head straight. And yet she still couldn't cut the cord. That's the most tragic and frustrating thing about it all.

                That was probably more than I intended to write, but... it's a tiny bit cathartic. Doesn't make it any better overall though
                Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                  On my first proper date with Faye. Things are so good right now! Those that follow me on Twitter should have seen a picture by now.


                    If you follow faMMyDoDd on Twitter, you are Epic Fayel.


                      I call fake.


                        Did you make her make a Twitter account so that you could show her off? lol


                          Originally posted by MonkeyJuggleDX View Post
                          On my first proper date with Faye. Things are so good right now! Those that follow me on Twitter should have seen a picture by now.
                          Hot totty is she?




                              I think the word is 'spexy'. Beware.


                                My bf said I'm too old for games...

