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    Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
    Going to speak with the missus about Brickshow 2015 - seems like a cracking idea.
    Bordersdown Brickshow meet


      Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
      Bordersdown Brickshow meet
      Missus is up for it - I'll be there with kids in tow - most likely the Saturday - will confirm later.


        Jaysus.. just looked at the ticket prices.. don't think I'll be dropping 90 quid to get in there - that would be a VERY expensive day.


          Yeah, my missus changed her mind after seeing the prices.
          I'm busy in the morning, so would only get half a day anyway, so I'm a bit unsure still.

          If you've been given the greenlight to go out on Saturday, why don't you get yourself to PlayExpo, @k0pp0?
          You can finally buy me that pint you owe me.

          EDIT: Ignore me, I've got my dates muddled up. This Brick thing isn't for a few weeks.
          You should still come to PlayExpo though...

          I'm now going to enter some comps to try and win Bricks Tix.
          Last edited by QualityChimp; 05-10-2015, 12:37.


            Discover even more from Tesco in our online Marketplace. Shop homeware, garden furniture, electronics, baby products and more, with delivery to your door.

            1,500 bricks for ?30 if anyone's after random stuff in random colours.


              I'm not a Doctor Who fan, but I've gotta concede that this looks amazing

              The Daleks!


                Shall be getting that day one not badly priced either


                  Bit of a wasted opportunity imo, I actually find the Dimensions Who stuff more well done (especially the Cyberman/K9) - they should really have put a few more incarnations of the Doctor in there.

                  Also being nit picky, Clara gets a nice skirt print all the way round her legs, but both Doctors long coats are only printed on the front. Looks a bit naff together. I was 90% before I saw the set, now I'm about 50/50 on picking it up. If I can get it as cheap as I got Wall-e though, no hesitation.


                    A few more incarnations of the Doctor will really whack the price up. Look at the terrible Big Bang Theory set for an example of that. Minifigures come with a premium.

                    I'm surprised there's not a Dr Who Minifigure series though, seems like a no-brainer.


                      I got another modular building...

                      The Parisian Restaurant is my third modular. Here are 79 (!!) photos of the build. Why? Who knows.

                      [HIDE]These are all the bags from the Parisian Restaurant build, it's split into four parts.

                      PART ONE:

                      Part one sets the foundations of the Parisian Restaurant. These are the parts for the first part, and another brick separator to add to my growing collection.

                      Fiiiive goooold riiiiings! Well, three gold rings. They're very shiny.

                      A scooter! We're in continental Europe fo sho.

                      Here we have the street, and some lettering on the floor, which by the end of the build you won't even be able to see any more. One of my favourite things about the modular sets is all the tiny little details which you only really realise are there when you're building it. They're full of secrets that photos of the finished build just can't show.

                      And the rest of the foundations are in place.

                      This is the floor in what I assume is the kitchen. Those two yellow blocks are just sitting there attached to nothing, I have no idea.

                      The instructions were literally like "sit them here attached to nothing." Like, okay then. I guess.

                      This set contains everything, including the kitchen sink. I love the pipe detail.

                      The plates look quite clean, but this is washing up.

                      The units together in the kitchen.

                      An oven, and a gigantic turkey.

                      This is pretty much the end of Part One, even though it was a really odd place for it to stop.

                      OMG WHAT DID SHE SAY?!!

                      The finished kitchen, as far as Part One is concerned.

                      Some cute little chain link fences to protect the croissant.

                      A bench!

                      And all the pieces left over from Part One, including two extra gold rings so I guess if she says no he can always try again.

                      PART TWO:

                      Part two completes the ground floor. Here are all the pieces for it.

                      A tiny carton of milk!

                      I can't really remember why I took this.

                      It's Albert! And OH MY GOD IT WAS CHEESE! I've built a refrigerator! This is my other favourite thing about the modulars. Building things layer by layer you often have no idea what you're doing and when that moment of realisation hits it's just such a fun feeling.

                      This I think is my favourite bit of the whole build, this little wine cupboard thing. It's gorgeous.

                      A blurry photo of what the decorative columns look like.

                      And this is what they look like in place. I can't actually stress enough how beautiful this set is, by the way. The amount of decoration is just stunning.


                      Still curtains!

                      The entrance is in place, and there's a menu outside of course!

                      Look at all this trash, what are we going to do with it?!

                      The happiest Lego brick in the world.

                      A dumpster! That's where we dump our trash!

                      The front of Chez Albert is complete! You can see where it says Chez on the floor is just a little outdoor seating area now.

                      And the back! Possible rodent infestation. Maybe call pest control eh? Or Le pest control, I guess.

                      Such an odd detail.

                      The back again.

                      And all the pieces left over from Part Two. I'm overloaded with foodstuffs.

                      PART THREE:

                      Part Three is the balcony and an amazing little studio apartment. These are its pieces.

                      Balcony first! Just a quick little build, this. The base.

                      And that's all there is to it.

                      Here it is in place.

                      The bulk of Part Three is the apartment though, so here's the base for that.

                      The olive green should be gross but it WORKS.

                      A fireplace!

                      A lamp, a coffee table, a comfy chair which rotates.

                      There's the kitchen at the side there and some weird thing on the back wall.

                      It's a fold-down bed!!

                      This is the finished studio flat.

                      And from the back. There's a drain-pipe and everything. The detail in this set is mad. The stairs go from the street to the balcony and the flat, then up around the back to the third floor.

                      The chimney is my favourite bit of Part Three, it's beautiful.

                      Everything about this build is pure decoration. It's wonderful.

                      The two floors together.



                      And leftover pieces from Part Three. I was literally playing with fire.

                      PART FOUR:

                      Part Four is an artist's studio. So French! These are the bits we use.

                      Le base.

                      Right in there with window boxes, get 'em out of the way immediately!

                      I'm not sure what these bits actually are, but they're used as darts in the Detective's Office and as decoration here. I believe they've been featured as quills too. So good.

                      Decorative croissants, BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY.

                      Arty stuff!

                      A fancy window.

                      I was going to criticise the set for having another fireplace, so lazy. Then it turned into a furnace and I was like "woooow!"

                      The studio is finished.

                      Some roof. Navy blue Lego is AMAZING.

                      Here it is in place, it looks brilliant.

                      The roof on the other side.

                      In place.

                      And folded down!!

                      And that's Part Four finished! Here are my leftover bits.

                      And here is the Parisian Restaurant in all its glory from all the angles.

                      The chimney, man.

                      Slightly less exciting from this side.

                      And here's all my modulars, together at last.

                      From the back.

                      And the artist is in her studio.

                      And that's it![/HIDE]

                      My first modular was the Detective's Office and I loved it, I totally caught the bug. Then I got the Grand Emporium and it was pretty disappointing really. It looks nice on the outside but it was a really boring build and there aren't really any fun details.

                      The Parisian Restaurant is phenomenal though. I don't really know how to stress how good it is. Basically, every single piece in this set has an important purpose. There's just no waste at all. It's either there for function, or it's there for decoration, and if it's not doing either of those things then it's not there at all. The amount of little details and decorative touches is frankly staggering. I enjoyed building this so, so much and watching it all take shape.

                      It doesn't have the story running through it that the Detective's Office does, but I think overall it's a better set. They're both utterly essential though.


                        Another fine addition The range of colour and detail is amazing. Beautiful collection you're putting together.


                          Yeah. Really nice. And I hugely appreciate all the pics - so lovely to see the process.


                            Originally posted by Atticus View Post
                            Another fine addition The range of colour and detail is amazing. Beautiful collection you're putting together.
                            I've ordered both the Pet Shop and the Palace Cinema which all but completes my collection. The rest are ?400+ and barring a miracle I don't think I can ever truly justify that. I'm not sure they'd be as good as the Parisian Restaurant anyway, they're mostly older than the Grand Emporium so they'll probably be more like that, nice externally but without all the little details that make stuff like the PR really great.


                              GAF has pictures of a ton of new LEGO stuff this morning, and rumours about the next modular building!

                              The set will be presented on Monday, it contains 2380 pieces and MSRP in France will be 150-160 Euros

                              It is a corner building, mainly white and grey with sand green windows with a lot of ornaments/details on the facade. It is a Bank with a laundromat next to it.

                              Inside there is a counter/desk, a safe, offices and a ventilation shaft (useful for robberies..)
                              There is a lot of detail, looks massive and might look a bit austere/stern

                              There are 2 levels:

                              Ground floor, a nice entrance (8 wide) with windows and has superb ornaments on top (Angel wings, micro fig, wolverines claws..). There are some "shop" windows on the left and right of the entrance. The posts are with grey steel bars, to look like a stone facade. There are lamps on the walls and flowers in front of the "shop" windows and a tree not looking ridiculous on the walkway.

                              On the other side (90 degrees from the 1st one), there are 2 "shop" windows (4 wide each, plus 3 pillars 2 wide, so 14 wide), the rest of the length is used for the laundromat. There is a bench and a street lamp on this part of the walkway.

                              The higher floor has big columns (2x2 rounded and striped), big sand green windows, rounded on the top with the new rounded windows - 4 wide. The top of the floor moulding is very detailed and nice

                              On the roof, there is a veranda in bow window style like on Green Grocer where you can see inside the bank. There is a standard office (lamp, writing machine..), and the director's office, much more detailed (Paintings, dark green walls, nice desk..) A bit like the billiard room in the DO.

                              Note: The use of Nexo Knights shields to make the tiled floor more detailed (45 degrees points)


                                I'm in.

