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Kid stuff

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    Kid stuff

    Thought I'd start of a parenting thread

    First subject.. How much homework is your child expected to do?

    My 7 year old is expected to read 3 books (and read his own non-school books), complete x number of mathletics exercises and prepare/study for spelling tests and times tables tests each week. He goes to a standard village primary school.

    Is this a lot in comparison to other schools?

    How long is it taking him? I'm in Ireland so different systems but my 6 year old has very little - 1 book and a bit of mathletics. Whereas my 8 year old has been getting around 45 minutes a day, sometimes more. Maths exercises, word exercises and the ones that really take the time: projects on subjects. That has reduced in the last week and I think it might be because some parents were complaining. I'm lucky that my eldest loves reading so she is quick with reading and writing. I shudder to think how long it would take a child who takes longer with reading and writing.


      When did mathematics start getting called mathletics?


        It didn't.


          Well I have what may seem like a daft question:

          At what age do kids in the UK start to read? In Japan kids attend kindergarten from age 3, and they start to pick up hiragana but the real focus on reading is from 4 and writing from 5.

          My daughter's English reading/writing is all in my hands and she is now 3, she recognizes the letters but can't string them together. I know she will be behind the curve, but how much of a priority should I make it?
          Last edited by Brad; 02-10-2015, 09:51. Reason: Replaced offensive word


            Let her enjoy being a child

            We decided to let our eldest (she's 4) just enjoy being super young and not put pressures on her and she has been at school for 6 weeks now and so far can recite the alphabet and can write numbers 1-10 and maybe recognises around 10 letters

            I find homework time quite stressful because if my daughter struggles she starts to worry she's getting it wrong and just doesn't want to do it anymore, fine balance of praise and guiding the answer out of her

            As for homework P1 probably doesn't have that much but we finish work at 6, my daughter is in bed for 7:30 so it seems a mad rush to study every night to get the homework in for Thursday

            She recently had two assignments to do, most important people in her life via a family tree and her life in numbers so far - no way could a 4 year old do it - so we sat with her and pretty much did all of it apart from the colouring in


              The thought of anything school related strains my mind atm. Still at the point where I'm impressed mine knows what night time means.


                Someone has used the term "retarded" in a thread about primary education and nobody even reacts (clearly the moderation team aren't bothered); the standards on this forum are truly awful these days.


                  It was used to refer to the posters' own question, not anybody's child... Don't see the problem.


                    She recently had two assignments to do, most important people in her life via a family tree and her life in numbers so far - no way could a 4 year old do it - so we sat with her and pretty much did all of it apart from the colouring in
                    This^ - my 7 year old was expected to prepare a Powerpoint presentation. A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION!!!

                    How long is it taking him? I'm in Ireland so different systems but my 6 year old has very little - 1 book and a bit of mathletics. Whereas my 8 year old has been getting around 45 minutes a day, sometimes more. Maths exercises, word exercises and the ones that really take the time: projects on subjects. That has reduced in the last week and I think it might be because some parents were complaining. I'm lucky that my eldest loves reading so she is quick with reading and writing. I shudder to think how long it would take a child who takes longer with reading and writing.
                    Depends - he's had 3 books to read a week for the last 2 years, and different amounts of Maths and projects. He's not massively strong on maths but will grind through it with loads of encouragement/guidance - but he hates it. He's much stronger at reading and pretty much get's through a book at night (and will read comics etc)

                    We were called in to the classroom for his behaviour for the first time ever this week (he's always been very well behaved). Seems timely.

                    Dunno.. seems like school is determined to crush the lives out of kids.


                      Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
                      It was used to refer to the posters' own question, not anybody's child... Don't see the problem.
                      The problem is common decency.


                        Firstly, I agree with [MENTION=6470]thetrooper[/MENTION] and please try to avoid using the term "retarded".

                        Secondly, [MENTION=2357]Darwock[/MENTION] had no malice behind its use. Try to remember that, although the term is offensive, the impact of the word varies around the world.

                        Finally, with us all agreeing to be more aware of what we type and of cultural differences, let us get back on topic, for which should be a useful thread.



                          Originally posted by thetrooper View Post
                          Someone has used the term "retarded" in a thread about primary education and nobody even reacts (clearly the moderation team aren't bothered); the standards on this forum are truly awful these days.
                          The mods probably don't read every single post. When you see something like this please either hit the report post button or contact a mod directly.


                            I feel another sabbatical coming on.


                              Funny thing is I read your post and didn't even see the word or simply didn't see the use of the word as offensive

                              I thought you might of been offended by the let your child be a child and not a prodigy

                              Everybody parents differently and if my daughter wants to be a quantum physicist then so be it, if she ends up being a mom (not a young mum I may add) then that's also fine, I want the best for her and it's really up to her to choose what she wants, currently she wants to be a teacher

