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Europe III: April F-EU-Ls

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    Tomorrow's vote will not be the third meaningful vote, ergo it'll be the dozenth meaningless one instead. May now clearly looking to use it to undermine objection to her deal by isolating the political declaration whilst using the result, if favourable, to get the EU to agree to another Brexit extension till 22 May.


      Yeah. I'm sure side-stepping the legal wording of the WA will pass muster with the EU, how can that possibly go wrong?

      Every single day you think the political class can't sink any lower in expectations and yet every day they somehow manage to do it.


        I love that the Government has outright now said that's what they're doing. It'll look bad on them if MP's still vote no but still look horrific if they vote yes, she brings up MV3 and they then vote no again


          Looks like Labour is setting out its stall early that they'll still vote the MV2.5 down


            *sigh* This is from yesterday.

            Although none of the above is the highest percentage, Boris is still massively in the lead otherwise followed by Mooooooooooooooooog.

            I'm mean. WTF?!!!111one1

            The electorate has to trolling the country.
            Last edited by MartyG; 28-03-2019, 14:49.


              It's madness. And can there be any real person who would honestly support Rees-Mogg? I would have thought maybe four of his old classmates would support him and after that I'm struggling to see why anyone else would.


                Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                It's madness. And can there be any real person who would honestly support Rees-Mogg? I would have thought maybe four of his old classmates would support him and after that I'm struggling to see why anyone else would.
                Don’t underestimate how heavily the media push Mogg as a top-level politician. He’s on TV and/or radio almost daily, and the toff image he uses and projects is very appealing to a lot of British people.


                  Originally posted by Protocol Penguin View Post
                  the toff image he uses and projects is very appealing to a lot of British people.
                  Really? Maybe I'm just showing my own biases here because that would be hugely off-putting for me. There is no way a man like that could relate to someone like me or, as far as I can see, most of the normal people in the country. He also seems to be an actual idiot, like Boris before him. I'm sure Mogg would be highly entertaining on Have I Got News For You, just like Boris, but I wouldn't trust either of them to order me a pizza without ending up with one with mushrooms or something on it.


                    Both of them would ask you for the money up front, bring a kebab back, expect a delivery tip and then blame you for making them order the wrong thing.

                    And now we have Jeremy Hunt claiming he'll be a leader of compassionate Conservatism.

                    Satire is dead.


                      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                      Really? Maybe I'm just showing my own biases here because that would be hugely off-putting for me. There is no way a man like that could relate to someone like me or, as far as I can see, most of the normal people in the country. He also seems to be an actual idiot, like Boris before him. I'm sure Mogg would be highly entertaining on Have I Got News For You, just like Boris, but I wouldn't trust either of them to order me a pizza without ending up with one with mushrooms or something on it.
                      I find Mogg and Johnson and Farage and their ilk massively offputting as well, but unfortunately there is something in the British (specifically English) psyche that absolutely adores a right-wing toff, particularly among the working classes.


                        I honestly don't know why May is pushing for MV2.5 now as it solves nothing except buy 4 weeks for events to implode. Labours not been baited and have ruled out support, so have the DUP meaning the ERG falls in line against it also meaning... it's dead. I don't think... he says... there's any possible way for May to push a fourth time and surely a May 22 deadline is useless anyway as long as no-one will vote in favour of the political declaration that's needed.


                          Also, I reckon the Tories final death sentence would be putting Mogg in charge. He'd never galvanise the support even May enjoys amongst the public. Boris rides the same card he does in TV appearances so there's a touch of logic there but Mogg is death incarnate to the party


                            Anyone who names their child Sixtus is seriously out of touch with the general public. Mind you there is a Bairn in my town called Jet Li Cosworth...


                              Originally posted by CMcK View Post
                              Anyone who names their child Sixtus is seriously out of touch with the general public. Mind you there is a Bairn in my town called Jet Li Cosworth...
                              He makes me think of the creepy teachers in Another Brick in the Wall...


                                Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                                Really? Maybe I'm just showing my own biases here because that would be hugely off-putting for me. There is no way a man like that could relate to someone like me or, as far as I can see, most of the normal people in the country. He also seems to be an actual idiot, like Boris before him. I'm sure Mogg would be highly entertaining on Have I Got News For You, just like Boris,
                                Mogg chooses to project a very old fashioned persona, probably because that's what he genuinely feels comfortable with. He can relate to traditional values and Britain of the 1940s and 50s.

                                The reason so many people like him, is simply because they've had enough of modern politicians and politics in general. People feel that most politicians are two-faced -- and that society has become far too politicised. It's got to the point where many people feel that the people in power are totally detached from the reality of the common man -- and also have no interest in the real life concerns of millions of people. It can feel like pleading with people in ivory towers to listen.

                                I think all the support for people like Farage, Johnson, and Mogg is down to people being desperate to find politicians who seem to be straight talking, honest, and to some degree in touch with reality. Lots of people genuinely feel that Farage and Mogg are more trustworthy than most people in politics.

                                I have listened to Farage and Mogg quite a bit, but I have little faith in them. I don't think they will ever put the needs of the people above their own desires. So I doubt they'll become true leaders that could do a great job for the UK.

                                The only politician that I really think made total sense and actually cared about the common man, was Tony Benn. But as usual, he was ridiculed as an 'eccentric' by the political elite. I don't think there's any way to create positive change when the system is so corrupt and full of career politicians who don't really care about society and the needs of the people who have to live in grim reality.
                                Last edited by Leon Retro; 28-03-2019, 20:50.

