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    I read Animal Farm today. Very good read


      That book depressed me big time. Great book, but harsh as ****.


        What are you talking about? Boxer ****ing DESERVED to be shipped off to the glue factory!

        Napolean PWN5! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!


          Just read 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho - enjoyed it, had quite a positive affect on me. I've already changed some minor things about my life because of it. Moved onto 'Veronika Decides to Die' by the same author; enjoying that as well.


            (Perhaps of interest to Animal Farm devotees) I am currently reading Clive Woodall's "One for Sorrow, Two for Joy" which is set in an animal world where Magpies are exterminating all the other birds (including raping some of them as well, disturbingly) and the bird world waits for a hero to rise to turn back the tide...

            It's quite harrowing. Obvious in its Nazi allegory but very dark for a kids' book (which, being me, obviously I *love*). Disney have optioned the rights to make it into a film - can't see that translating very well...


              Recently finished reading "The Lost Girl" which is the autobiographical account of one Caroline Roberts, the only known survivor of Fred and Rose West. It traced her life from childhood to the present day and made for some interesting reading, not just because of what happened to her, but the effect it had on her and how she was able to get through it.

              It also gives you a first hand account of how vicious and intrustive the media are. Not only is this woman incredibly lucky to be alive, but the fact that she was able to soldier on in the aftermath of this speaks volumes. The book also makes you very aware of the extent of West's perverted sadism (his wife was 'no angel' either).

              I'm now reading Stupid White Men by Michael Moore, and I'm only two chapters from the end.


                Altered States by Paddy Chayefsky - much better than the film (although I sneakingly liked that - great soundtrack).



                  Just finished reading Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. A fantastic book. One of the best I've read in ages. Its left me with a lot of pondering on my own life. Which I guess is one of the best things about great literature.


                    Alan Clark's "the last diaries", obviously not as good as the previous version, but an cracking read about 1 of only 2 Tories i respect. Kenneth being the udder.

                    Just finished Bonfire of the Vanities, a triumph of 80's writing.


                      Originally posted by Jushin-Thunder-Liger
                      Alan Clark's "the last diaries", obviously not as good as the previous version, but an cracking read about 1 of only 2 Tories i respect. Kenneth being the udder.
                      Kenneth as in former chancellor Ken Clark?


                        Just re-reading Moon The Loon by Dougal Butler, he was Keith Moon's general dogsbody. Quality read.


                          Out - Natsuo Kirino Excellent though I don't think it would be for everyone, maybe too depressing for some.

                          A gripping, dark and disturbing book.


                            Originally posted by Ish
                            Just finished reading Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. A fantastic book. One of the best I've read in ages. Its left me with a lot of pondering on my own life. Which I guess is one of the best things about great literature.

                            His books will do that to you, mate. Trust me...


                              Scar Tissue is a A biography by Anthony Kiedis from the red hot chilli peppers written by himself and it makes it all the more personal for it.

                              He spends most of the book ****ed up on drugs, and it surprises you how he's still alive when you read about the benders he goes on. it really dose make for compelling reading though and even if your not a big Red Hot Chilli Peppers fan it still makes a very interesting read.

                              A great read and one thats very hard to put down.


                                Bill Hicks: Agent Evolution. A great account of the life of the late, stand-up William Melvin Hicks.

