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    Someone reminded me I'd been meaning to read this in another thread and it's great! I've only got Boba's story to go now. The Dengar and IG-88 stories are highlights so far.

    I swear I'll never read the new Star Wars books where everyone is dead, but some of the older stuff like this is pure class! I do love my star wars and this has inspired me to read some more!


      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
      The whole thing about Deckard being a replicant is discussed early on, but in my mind, it's pretty clear he isn't has he has the empathy for animals that the cyborgs lack.

      The book ends thus:

      He finds an extinct frog in the desert, flies home, his wife finds out it's just a robot. The end.

      I have a free copy of Dragon Tattoo (thanks Skull Commander), but I've not found time to read it yet.

      A girl at work likes reading sci-fi too and we read Electric Sheep at the same time. Now we've moved on to Chricton's Swarm which is about nanobots. I like the films Westworld, The Andromeda Strain and Jurassic Park, so I'm looking forward to seeing how his books are. It's nice to have somebody to chat about it with!

      Chaz has just recommended A Fire Upon the Deep to me too, so I may track that down, but now I'm getting a backlog of books in the same way I have for video games, films and kung-fu flicks!

      I have the audiobook of Terminal World to listen to after Dreamcatcher. I find an audiobook and Kindle book helps reduce that backlog...
      Turns out I really don't remember the end of Electric Sheep at all lol. Will have to give it another read sometime.
      When you say Crichtons Swarm do you mean Prey? I was looking to but that only the other week but went for JP instead! Thinking of getting The Andromeda Strain too as the start of that read very well even if the reviews on Amazon say the ending is poor.
      Only read a little of Jurassic Park so far and I'm really enjoying it as it's much more sinister than the film (a little girl gets attacked by a small dinosaur...very similar to the Lost World movie start so maybe they recycled that from the book)
      I was actually talking to Reynolds a bit on Twitter today


        A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. Film is one of my very favourites, oft-viewed, but somehow I've never got around to reading the original book it's based upon.

        It's practically the same as the film (Kubrick did a fantastic job). Despite enjoying it greatly, I'd been led by some to believe the book had acres more 'important' content than the movie, and was a bit underwhelmed to find this is not the case, I was expecting to be kinda mindblown but that never happened. the film loads better.


          I'm currently reading 50 Shades of Grey.

          Well, I say "reading", but I've found the internet is full of videos that approximate the story nicely...


            Can I recommend everyone read this:

            Stuff they don't teach you at school in case you actually start having thoughts of breaking out of the system.


              Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
              A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. Film is one of my very favourites, oft-viewed, but somehow I've never got around to reading the original book it's based upon.

              It's practically the same as the film (Kubrick did a fantastic job). Despite enjoying it greatly, I'd been led by some to believe the book had acres more 'important' content than the movie, and was a bit underwhelmed to find this is not the case, I was expecting to be kinda mindblown but that never happened.

     the film loads better.
              You what? The ending is completely different, with a completely different message.


                The Boys From Brazil - cracking thriller once again proving that Nazis make the best bad guys.


                  Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
                  You what? The ending is completely different, with a completely different message.
                  Dim, just like I said, practically the same. The bulk of the 149-page book - ie. around 99% of it, from pages 5 to 142/143 - is more or less exactly the same as the film (you HAVE read it, hyuum, like you read my post...or didn't???).

                  Just because Alex

                  grows weary of his violent lifestyle

                  at the end of book does not really change the crux of the main story, and imho comes across as a little bathetic, like a too-pat alternate ending on a DVD (Rocky Balboa's alt-ending springs to mind, curiously).

                  Gah, now I want to tolchock something in the yarbles, ruddy one-lining skim-reading internet disagreers!!!!


                    Sorry Fader, I did mean "Prey" not "Swarm"!

                    Well I've just finished it and it was pretty good. It feels like a book of two halves though. The first half is about a computer programmer's life at home with his kids after he can't get a job. He starts to grow suspicious that his wife might be having an affair. This section was good as you try to work out what she's up to as something is wrong.

                    The second half sees the programmer drafted in to help his wife's company because they used his predator behaviour software, but it's stopped working properly. I think the action ramps up fast in this second half and there's some tense sections, but it probably goes into the realm of ridiculousness a bit too fast and it's a little silly by the end. Not bad, but takes a few too many large strides of logic!

                    A very easy read and I'm tempted to check out some other Crichton books.
                    How was JP, Fader?

                    I've got the new Bond book, Carte Blanche, to read, but I'm sneaking in Kryss' book first!


                      Just read all of the Marvel Zombies story arcs and just starting on Walking Dead


                        If you enjoyed Marvel Zombies, I can recommend some other books by one of the authors, Jonathan Maberry.

                        "Rot & Ruin" is a post-apocalyptic story about a teenage boy who starts helping his older brother in his job of "calming" the undead relatives of people who hire him.

                        "Patient Zero" is the first of a series of action books with a fringe-science influence.

                        I've just read issue 100 of The Walking Dead and the whole series has been really intense. Don't get attached to any characters - nobody's safe!


                          Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
                          Gah, now I want to tolchock something in the yarbles, ruddy one-lining skim-reading internet disagreers!!!!
                          lol...It stands to reason, he won't have it.


                            3/4's the way through Killing Floor by Lee Child.

                            It's the first story of the character Jack Reacher, whom Tom Cruise is playing in his new film (much to the annoyance of many Jack Reacher fans).

                            So far I've been pretty underwhelmed by the story and Reacher, but it's only his first storyline, so I'd like to think things improve in subsequent books (sales of which suggest so anyway)


                              They do, I have read lots of Jack Reacher stories, and although they are essentially the same story, some of them are ace.


                                I remember reading some of Feist's books years ago and quite enjoying them so I tracked this down recently. Dunno how he compares to other fantasy fare around these days but I'm finding it pretty entertaining, even if some of the language is particularly melodramatic at times!

